Today’s Ephemeris: What Happened on November 24 | …


In ephemeris of November 24 These events that happened on a day like today in Argentina and around the world stand out:

1859. The first edition of the book that changes the course of science is published: The origin of the speciesby Charles Darwin. The English naturalist offers his theory of evolution and natural selection to explain the development of species. Evolutionism has taken a strong impulse of Darwin’s book, while the Church, clinging to the idea of ​​divine creation, fighting his theories.

1870. In Paris, Isidore Ducasse, the count of Lautréamont, died at the age of 24. He was born in Montevideo, the son of a French diplomat, and grew up in the Uruguayan capital until the age of 13. Considered a precursor of surrealism, his only book published in Life was Maldoror’s songs, Which brings together six poetic songs in which, among others, he glorifies sadomasochism and murder, and that inspired an opera by Leo Maslíah.

1908. Libertad Lamarque was born in Rosario. She was an actress and singer and participated in the beginnings of Argentine cinema. He was in Tango!, the first film about the country. Also filmed The circus cavalcade, in the shooting of which he faced Eva Duarte. She travels to Mexico and pursues a career that makes her one of the continent’s most famous personalities. Called “America’s Bride,” she died in Mexico in 2000.

1927. At Las Palmas was born tenor Alfredo Kraus, one of the most popular opera singers of the second half of the twentieth century. He was part of the large range of opera singers that emerged in Spain, along with José Carreras, Montserrat Caballé and Plácido Domingo. The protagonist of Werther, by Massenet, was considered his major role. He died in 1999.

1941. Ricardo Piglia was born. He was the author of novels like Artificial respiration, The absent city, Burnt money Yes Night white; tests like Criticism and fiction, Short shapes Yes The last reader; and stories collected in Invasion Yes Fake name. He passed away in 2017.

1941. Born in Cordoba, Horacio Altuna, one of the greatest comics in Argentina. With screenwriter Carlos Trillo, they created The little doors of Señor López Yes The fool Chavez. He later drew and wrote The Nene Montanaro and drew for Playboy. He settled in Spain.

1954. Emir Kusturica was born in Sarajevo. The Balkan filmmaker has twice won the Palme d’Or at Cannes, with Dad went on a business trip, in 1985, and ten years later with Uderground. Also filmed Gypsy time, Black cat, white cat Yes Life is a miracle, Among other films. He also dedicated documentaries to the characters of Diego Maradona and José Mujica. Moreover, he ventured into music with the Non Smoking Orchestra.

1963. Two days after the assassination of John Fizgerald Kenendy, Lee Harvey Oswald, suspected of having killed the president, is assassinated. Oswald, 24, is killed by Jack Ruby, a businessman of the night who shoots him as he leaves the police station where he was being held. Ruby maintained that she did not want to see Kennedy’s widow suffer in the murder trial. He died in prison in 1967.

1991. Victim of HIV, Freddie Mercury dies. The singer had announced the day before that he was suffering from the disease, and had just recorded Insinuation, his latest album with Queen, which ends with the heartbreaking “The Show Must Go On”. He was 45 years old. It was the face of one of the most popular bands in rock history. They broke in in the ’70s and stayed until Mercury died, although the band had toured in recent years and even released an album, Made in paradise, with unreleased recordings of the singer.


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