Today’s Ephemeris: What Happened on November 30 | …


In ephemeris of November 30 These events that happened on a day like today in Argentina and around the world stand out:

1835. In Florida, Missouri, was born Samuel Langhorne Clemens, better known as Mark Twain. Author of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, A Yankee at the court of King Arthur, Prince and beggar, is considered one of the pillars of the North American narrative. Anti-imperialist in mind, he died in 1910.

1874. Winston Churchill was born. He was the British Prime Minister who led the fight against Nazi Germany during World War II. Before that he had a long history, characterized by poor results. During World War I, he brought about the landing of Gallipoli, one of the UK’s greatest military failures. Later he was Minister of Finance and decided to return to the gold standard, which caused a serious economic crisis. Declared anti-communist, he allied with the USSR during the war and later coined the term “iron curtain”. Defeated in 1945 by Labor, he returned to government in 1951 and ruled until 1955, during which time he faced insurgency in Kenya, one of the African colonies. Retired from public life, he died in 1965. He had previously received the Nobel Prize for Literature and was granted honorary citizenship by the United States.

1912. Hugo del Carril was born in the district of Flores. Singer, actor and director, he was the voice of the Peronist March. Due to his activism, he was persecuted after 1955. He conducted classics such as The waters flow cloudy Yes Beyond oblivion. He died in 1989. Without the occupants knowing who lived there, a base unit operated in his hometown on San Pedrito Avenue.

1930. Founded by Leónidas Barletta, the Teatro del Pueblo opens its doors. It is the flagship institution of independent theater in Argentina. Today he works in Lavalle at 3600. In memory of the date of the National Day of the Independent Theater, which coincides with the National Day of the Argentine Theater, since on November 30, 1783, the Ranchería Theater was inaugurated, in the corner current of Alsina and Peru, at the request of Viceroy Juan José Vértiz.

1979. Pink floyd lanza The wall, a double album which, strictly speaking, is the work of one of its members, Roger Walters. Conceptual work on the musician Pink and his alienation became critical and public success and led, three years later, to a film directed by Alan Parker.

1980. 57.2% of Uruguayans reject the military dictatorship’s proposal to establish a new constitution which, like Pinochet in Chile, could perpetuate the regime. The defeat of the military paves the way for the transition to democracy.

1982. Epic Records label released Thriller in Frenchby Michael Jackson. No one would imagine that what will be the best-selling album in history has just been released with 66 million copies to date. Produced by Quincy Jones, it defined the sound of the ’80s and the video for the eponymous track became an icon of the decade.

1985. The presidents of Argentina, Raúl Alfonsín, and of Brazil, José Sarney, sign the Declaration of Foz de Iguazú, by which the integration of the two countries, emerging from dictatorships, begins to be planned. It is the cornerstone of what a decade later will be formalized under the name Mercosur.

2018. Former US President George Bush Sr. dies. He was 94 years old. He was his country’s ambassador to the UN and director of the CIA in the 1970s. He was in charge of the intelligence headquarters amid the emergence of dictatorships in the Southern Cone. He was vice president of Ronald Reagan and succeeded him in 1989. During his tenure, the Berlin Wall fell and communism fell. He also won the Gulf War against Iraq after the invasion of Kuwait. The economic crisis prevented his re-election to Democrat Bill Clinton.

In addition, it is the national mate day and the day of remembrance of all victims of chemical warfare.


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