Today’s Ephemeris: What Happened on November 7 | I have …


In ephemeris of November 7 These events that happened on a day like today in Argentina and around the world stand out:

1810. The troops under the command of Antonio González Balcarce defeat the royalists at Suipacha, as part of the first expedition to Upper Peru. This is the first military triumph since the May 25 revolution. La Paz, Cochabamba and Chuquisaca speak in favor of the Board of Directors of Buenos Aires.

1867. Marie Skłodowska was born in Warsaw. The Polish scientist moved to France, where she met her husband, Pierre Curie. Together, they studied radiation and shared the Nobel Prize in Physics with Henri Becquerel in 1903. Marie Curie was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize. Shortly after, Pierre Curie died in an accident. In 1911 he received the Nobel Prize in chemistry for the discovery of radium and polonium. Thus, he was the first person to receive the Nobel twice. He died in 1934, a year before the Nobel Prize in chemistry for his daughter Irene and her husband, Frédéric Joliot. Its story is one of the axes of the novel The ridiculous idea of ​​never seeing you againby Rosa Montero.

1879. In Yánovka, Ukraine, was born Lev Davidovich Bronstein, known as Leon Trostsky. The leader of the most radicalized faction of the Russian Revolution led the Revolutionary Military Soviet, the highest military authority in Lenin’s time. At this time, he negotiated the peace of Brest-Litovsk, by which Russia emerged from the First War. He fell out of favor with the rise of Stalin and went into exile in Turkey and Norway, before landing in Mexico. Its figure was confirmed when Stalin signed the non-aggression pact with Nazi Germany. A Stalinist agent, Ramón Mercader, killed him with an ice ax in August 1940.

1910. Uruguayan playwright Florencio Sánchez dies in Milan. He was only 35 years old. His works include My son the dotor, Honest people, Canyon down, Counterfeit money Yes Health rights. He also wrote the play Canillita, about a boy who sells newspapers in the street. For this reason, the newspaper vendors adopted the “petite canillita” to define their work and took the date of Sánchez’s death as his day.

1940. Chilean writer Antonio Skármeta was born in Antofagasta. He went into exile after Pinochet’s coup. Fame would come with Burning patience, his 1985 novel which will hit theaters as The postman, and which fictitiously recounts the exile of Pablo Neruda in Italy in the early 1950s. The victory dance He received the Planeta Prize in Spain in 2003. He was Ambassador to Germany under the government of Ricardo Lagos and is a member of the Chilean Academy of Languages.

1970. Carlos Monzón conquers the world middleweight title. In Rome, the Santa Fe boxer knocks out the champion Nino Benvenuti and snatches the crown from him. It’s the start of a seven-year reign in the category. He will retire undefeated in 1977, after fourteen defenses.

1973. Martín Palermo was born in La Plata. Born in Estudiantes, he made history in Boca. He arrived in 1997 and a year later he scored 20 goals in Boca de Bianchi’s first title, averaging more than one goal per game, as the tournaments had 19 dates. He won everything with the Ribera team and retired with 236 goals, being the top scorer in Xeneize history. With the selection, he played the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, in which he scored a goal with 36 years.

2005. A day after his arrival in Chile from Japan, Alberto Fujimori is arrested. Thus begins the process of extradition to Peru of the former president. He had spent the previous five years in Japan, a country from which he had resigned as Peruvian presidency amid a serious institutional crisis. Congress rejected the resignation and removed him from office. He was elected president in 1990 and gave a coup in 1992. Re-elected in 1995, he won by fraud in 2000. Protests against him escalated when the corruption of his right hand and black monk of the regime, Vladimiro Montesinos, was revealed in a video. Returning to Peru, he was sentenced to four sentences totaling 46 years in prison for crimes of corruption and human rights violations. President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski pardoned him at the end of 2017, but the measure was canceled in 2018.

In addition, in Argentina, it is the day of La Canillita and the day of the sports journalist.


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