Together against cruelty | With Dilma Rousseff, all …


First definition of Dilma Rousseff: "The lion is never sweet". Second definition: "The right in Latin America does not have the chip of moderation". Third definition: "Right-wing anti-globalizationists join the neoliberals in the end".

The Brazilian president who was overthrown by a coup in 2016 said these three things at the first working meeting of the Argentine Committee for the Liberty of Lula and Justice of Marielle, at three o'clock in the morning. Afternoon, before the public event of 18 hours.

Unlike Argentina, which is in full electoral process, Brazil will hold presidential elections only in October 2022. That is why Dilma declared that the task was of solidarity and resistance because "Brazil is in the worst phase of its history". The current era, according to her, brings to light the vestige of the two Brazilian tragedies: slavery and military dictatorship.

About 40 people listened to a brief Dilma, which performed a first 20-minute and a 15-minute exhibition in a hall of the Metropolitan University of Education and Labor. Nicolás Trotta, the rector of Umet, sat to the left of Rousseff. Right, Victoria Donda, national deputy and preselected head of the government of Buenos Aires. In the same row were the national deputy Gabriela Cerruti, the head of international relations of the party Jorge Taiana, the rector of the University of Lanús Ana Jaramillo and the president of the FpV bloc of Parliament, Oscar Laborde. The last three and Trotta integrate Mundo Sur, a core of reflection and proposal on foreign policy. Umet, Mundo Sur and the Latin American Social Science Council led by Uruguayan Karina Batthyany had the idea to create this committee, which would include union centers such as the CGT and CTAs, political leaders opposition and representatives of universities and trade unions. academic

The meeting for the freedom of Lula and for justice in the case Marielle Franco, the counselor of Rio de Janeiro murdered by professionals on March 14, 2018, had a local flavor of the unity of Panperonismo and d 39, ; allies.

"The best we can do is win the October elections," said Patricia Cubria of the Evita Movement.

For the secretary of the banking union Sergio Palazzo, "what they want in the region, it is to imprison the policies". Daniel Menéndez, from Barrios on foot, agreed: "You can not forgive for a more just Brazil." Renovator José Ignacio de Mendiguren has called for a summit of Dilma and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. "We have often returned from what we dream of an integrated region with social inclusion," said the deputy.

The head of the CGT and president of the group, Víctor Santa María, the former under-secretary for Latin American affairs, Agustín Colombo, rector of General Sarmiento Gabriela Diker, rector of Quilmes Alejandro Villar, dean of social sciences of the UBA Carolina Mera, Historian Pacho O Donnell, Senator Pino Solanas, Director of the Center for Metropolitan Studies Matías Barroetaveña, Head of the Transversal Front Jorge Drkos, the former President of the Inca Lucrecia Cardoso and the leader of Afro-descendants Federico Pita. All participated in the exchange of opinions without stopping to pay attention to the data of a day that will remain in the story as April 25 of the underworld. "Waiver?" Whispered one. "That remains until the end," was one of the answers. "And lose the elections."

Dilma maintains stable relationships with Umet, like Lula, who helped create the Trade Union Matrix University in 2013. Brazil was one of the first objects of University study and political and union relations and remained one of the axes. over the years.

In badyzing what he termed "cruelty" in the treatment of Lula, which culminated in the murder of Marielle, Dilma told the story of "pau de arara", a torture technique. The victim is hung upside down on a stick that pbades behind the knees and hands are tied to the same pole. The former president said that this method was used by Portuguese slavers and had gone through centuries to reach the School of the Americas that the United States had set up in Panama to teach the mainland's military torture.

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