Tomás Pueyo, one of the most influential voices against COVID-19, warned: “It’s already the end of the pandemic”


Tomás Pueyo is a French global pandemic state policy guru and French engineer who grew up in Spain and now works in Silicon Valley (Photo credit: Tomás Pueyo)
Tomás Pueyo is a French global pandemic state policy guru and French engineer who grew up in Spain and now works in Silicon Valley (Photo credit: Tomás Pueyo)

It is already the end of the pandemic, and we know why the vast majority of people vaccinated, or are completely protected against COVID-19 and all its variants, or if they become infected, they do not get very sick or they are not very contagious “, predicts Tomás Pueyo, guru of the world and the most influential voice against the coronavirus, in relation to the evolution of the pandemic in the world.

The 39-year-old engineer became an international guru when he anticipated quarantines and quarantines around the world with his writings Coronavirus: why we need to act now Yes The hammer and the dance. Well over a year has passed and many countries across much of the planet are starting to break out of the restrictions.

Is it something temporary? “There are countries that have been opened most of the time, East Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, etc. are mainly those who have vaccines, those who have a population that is vaccinated, so they can open. This is the end because the vast majority of people who are vaccinated or fully protected against COVID-19 and all its variants, or if they are infected, do not get very sick, they are not very contagious., with which even if you have a variant like Delta (native to India) for example which is 3 or 4 times more contagious than the original if 98% of the people exposed are not infected or are not contagious, no matter what the new variant is more contagious. It depends on the percentage of the population vaccinated.”, Analyzed the current world panorama in the program New normal of AM 630 Radio Rivadavia with Lucas Morando.

The New Normal of Tel Aviv, Israel (REUTERS / Nir Elias)
The New Normal of Tel Aviv, Israel (REUTERS / Nir Elias)

“But In countries like Israel or regions like New York or California, where the totally immune population is very high, we can say that it is the end of the pandemic.», Slipped the expert.

Pueyo insisted, “It is the home stretch of the pandemic in countries where there is a high percentage of the vaccinated population. In Israel they have already opened everything, there are no more restrictions, they have opened everything, they have opened everything for weeks and with the quality of the vaccines that exist, even with the new variants, we are at the end of the day. Even the Delta variant, the Indian variant, is very bad, but there would have to be a variant two, three or four times worse for it to be raised again and the more people vaccinated, the less likely the SARS-COV-2 virus is to mutate and the less chance that dangerous variants will emerge. I believe that we will never go back to the situation we are in the whole world that must close”.

Pueyo predicted:
Pueyo predicted: “This is the home stretch of the pandemic in countries where there is a high percentage of the population vaccinated (Europa Press)

In another passage of the interview, the engineer mentioned the local epidemiological situation: “In Argentina, there is still a small percentage of the vaccinated population, but it is increasing. For Argentina, the only way out is to continue vaccinating”.

“I don’t know the details of Argentina, but I know the whole world. Yes Argentina has more people vaccinated than Japan or Australia. So it’s not something Argentina has all the power to influence. They have trouble getting vaccinated. This is a complicated issue because it is not just the issue of the intellectual property of the vaccine, as it has been managed in such a way that other companies can produce these vaccines that work, there are other issues. , like the way you produce these vaccines that some have very difficult requirements to produce, like Pfizer, ”he added.

According to Pueyo, the complications linked to the acquisition of vaccines can be summed up in: “geopolitics, industrial processes, intellectual property are mixed and it is normal that a country like Argentina is in the situation where it is ”.

Health workers vaccinate people between 40 and 49 years old this Tuesday, in their first dose against COVID-19, in Mexico City (EFE / Sáshenka Gutiérrez)
Health workers vaccinate people between 40 and 49 years old this Tuesday, in their first dose against COVID-19, in Mexico City (EFE / Sáshenka Gutiérrez)

Without a doubt, he was vaccinated late in Argentina. In countries like Japan or South Korea, what happened was that they had other measures that reduced the epidemic, and they were able to open without a vaccine, because they did not not rushed. Meanwhile, the United States, which depends on its economy, its lives, to go as fast as possible, has done it all and that is why one of the countries with the highest vaccination rate in the world. The problem is that Argentina looked more like the United States, but without vaccines», Added the specialist.

Pueyo, who lives in California, United States, recounted the day-to-day and impact of the pandemic on the economy of San Francisco, Silicon Valley: “It was a nuclear explosion, but not that it shut everything down and that there was no type of local economy.. No, in fact there are a lot of people in tech that can be easily remotely. The problem is, a lot of people went to telecommuting who realized that they didn’t need to be in San Francisco to live and that there were a number of people and businesses who left, People are starting to work in Canada, in Europe. Before the pandemic, 6% of all Americans worked remotely and now 40% now work from home. “San Francisco is now a ghost town”, he expressed.

Argentina could be one of the big winners in this situation. Argentina has a lot of good engineers, for which they could develop their entire technological industry much more, they could work for American, Spanish or European companies much more easily than in the past and thus increase the country’s income, ”he said.

Before the pandemic, 6% of all Americans worked remotely and now 40% now work from home. "San Francisco is now a ghost town", warned Tomás Pueyo
Before the pandemic, 6% of all Americans worked remotely and now 40% now work from home. “San Francisco is now a ghost town,” warned Tomás Pueyo

Tomás Pueyo, was born in France 38 years ago, grew up in Spain and currently lives in Silicon Valley, where he works as a consultant. He studied engineering first at the École Technique Supérieure d’Ingénieurs (ICAI), then at the École Centrale de Paris and then obtained an MBA from Stanford University.

On March 10, Pueyo published an article on the Medium platform entitled “Coronavirus: Why We Must Act Now”, in which He encouraged politicians and businessmen to take drastic and urgent measures to contain the advance of COVID-19, anticipating a catastrophe if not. Over 40 million people read it in the days that followed, it was translated into 40 languages, and its release was critical for many governments to impose strict quarantines around the world., even for Alberto Fernández, in Argentina. On March 19, he published another article, “The hammer and the dance” (a metaphor for applying a short, hard quarantine and then more relaxed social distancing measures to coexist with the virus without spreading it), in which he formulated his theory on the evolution of the pandemic, based on the response of states. From that moment on, Pueyo became a point of reference for many political leaders, whom he advised in countries as diverse as the United States, Spain, Peru, Kenya and Argentina.


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