Tomorrow begins the Constitutive Convention in Chile | The natives who will occupy 17 reserved seats


This Sunday the The Constitutive Convention will meet for the first time in Chile. The 155 members elected in the May elections are responsible for drafting the new Constitution which will replace the one inherited from the civil-military dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet.

The constituent aims to debate, approve and draft the text of the new Constitution within nine months., which can only be extended once and for a maximum period of three months. Each article of the new Constitution must be approved by two-thirds of the House and, once the text is completed, the body must vote on it comprehensively. The Convention will be dissolved and the government will have to call an exit plebiscite, in which Chilean citizens will have to ratify or not the new Constitution at the polls.

If approved, the President of the Republic must convene a solemn session of the plenary congress to promulgate and take the oath before the new Constitution, then in 10 days the text will be published in the Official Journal, and from there it will come into force. Obligate. But if the majority of Chilean citizens reject the new Constitution during consultations, the current Pinochet Magna Carta will automatically revert to force.

Although tomorrow’s session will be devoted to formalities, different forces that will have a representation in the constitutional convention called to march towards the seat of the constituent in the legislative expalacio. One of them was the “People’s List”, a group of 27 independent voters, which called for an “act of tribute for all those who died, suffered mutilations and for those still living the torment. of an unjust political prison, as well as the commitment of loyalty of our members to the people ”. At the event, they expect “representatives of organizations of political prisoners, victims of eye trauma, representatives of murdered families and victims of violence to speak.”


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