Tons of Caviar Covered a Beach and the Neighbors Picked It Up | the Chronicle


On this Sunday morning, a huge amount of caviar covered with Aniva berry, with a certain three kilometers of its coast immersed in the delicious delicacy.

No, it’s not the expensive sturgeon eggs that swim in the Caspian Sea (valued at $ 25,000 per kilo), but the locals still showed incredible enthusiasm for this particular phenomenon. Dozens of people approached the coast armed with shovels and buckets, and they took kilos of herring roe strewn on the sand.

As reported to RT Dmitri Lisitsyn, head of an environmental monitoring organization in the region, the huge quantities of caviar (which at times 10 and up to 15 centimeters thick) are not quite unusual on the coasts of the island: “It is a normal and ordinary part of the herring life cycle in Sakhalin and Hokkaido, and it’s not a tragedy“.

Lisitsyn also clarified that the enthusiasm of the locals stems from the functionality they give to the eggs: if they have culinary properties, their most common use in the region is for fertilization of orchards.


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