"Too bad it's tragic": the response of the founder of Mercado Libre to the controversial tweet of Grabois


The founder of the company responded to the social manager who publicly accused him of "contraband, evasion, financial speculation, consumer abuse and unfair competition". Source: archive

The founder of
Mercado Libre, Marcos Galperin, responded to the criticism of the Front Patria Grande's reference,

Juan Grabois,

against the e-commerce company. Although without naming Kirchner's leader, the businessman said: "Too bad it's tragic, it should be just comical".

Last night, Grabois posted on his account


a message describing the Free Mercado as a business of "smuggling, evasion, financial speculation, consumer abuse and unfair competition" and believing that its "success" is the "destruction of thousands of jobs". "


it has made billionaires at your expense, "he told social network users in reference to the president in the same tweet.

Free Mercado, that is contraband, escape, financial speculation, consumer abuse and unfair competition. Your "success" is the destruction of thousands of jobs. Macri made multimillionaires at your expense.
pic.twitter.com/hmgrSSaYeB& – Juan Grabois (@JuanGrabois)
May 5, 2019

In addition, the reference of the Confederation of Workers of the People's Economy (CTEP) published a graph of the Bloomberg agency on the positive economic performance of the company with an image of Galperin with Macri. Last week, it appeared that
Mercado Libre is the most valuable Argentine company.

Too bad it's tragic, it should be just comical. & – Marcos Galperin (@marcos_galperin)
May 5, 2019

Although Mercado Libre did not publish an official response to Grabois, Galperin launched the suggestive tweet at noon, a few hours after the social manager's message was broadcast. "Too bad it's tragic, it should just be funny," said the business man. Immediately, his words were understood by social network users as an answer.

The crossing had a strong impact on social networks, which showed different positions on Grabois' criticism of free market activity.

Grabois stated that the Free Mercado exercises the
Grabois declared that the Free Mercado resorted to "smuggling" and "unfair competition" Source: Archive – Credit: Fernando Mbadobrio

The company, established in 1999, is considered one of the "unicorns" of Argentina (in the field of trade, technology-based companies that in a very short time
they get a quote over $ 1 billion). Last week
He surprised Wall Street because he doubled his value and became the best among the Argentines.

The shares of Mercado Libre had a value of $ 292.85 at the beginning of the year and are now trading at $ 574 in the Nasdaq index. When the company went public 12 years ago, the initial value of its shares was $ 29. Thanks to this increase in the price of the shares, the stock market value of the company today stands at 28,450 million dollars, which transforms it into the highest-rated Argentine company in the world.


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