"Topón" between supporters of Laurentino Cortizo and Ricardo Lombana in Atlapa


Cries, songs, enthusiasm, sweat and a thrust in the middle of a fight.
Candidates Laurentino nito Cortizo, of Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD) and MOLIRENAand Ricardo Lombana, for the free application, coincided Sunday morning at the voting center in Atlapa. The fans took advantage of the presence of their leaders to take part in a meeting in the manner of queens and comparsas that took place in the streets in the middle of the carnival. "10, 10, 10, you feel, you feel, president of Lombana!" "Nito, Nito, Nito presidente!", Crowds of supporters from one and the other in front of one of the convention center doors were on the way, after exercising his vote at College of the Pan American Institute. (IPA). Cortizo, on the other hand, went to vote at the Atlapa Convention Center at table 3237. Voters who were then approaching east of Atlapa attempted to cross the exalted crowd or wait for the euphoria to diminish. While the proponents of Cortizo and Lombana they were arguing to see who chanted more slogans, in the electronic voting tables everything was progressing calmly. Luis Casis. His presence was to support MP 8-8, Fernando Carrillo, who wants to be re-elected, with Atalapa being the country's largest electoral center. About 25,000 people are qualified to practice law in this center. The electoral court gathered voters who, in the last elections, voted in some schools of San Francisco corregimiento. After the first hours of the morning, voted emblematic personalities of the CD and the PRD. This is the case of candidate Mayín Correa, former lady Marta Linares de Martinelli, PRD mayoral candidate José Luis Fábrega and former president Ernesto Pérez Balladares. . The former Minister of Commerce and Industry, Augusto Arosemena.Cortizo and Lombana, also left Atlapa to continue their tour without being noticed.


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