Torn by the death of his grandson, Lula da Silva said that he would prove his innocence to honor him – 03/02/2019


Former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, authorized for the first time to leave the cell where he is imprisoned for corruption since April 2018, participates in the funeral of a 7-year-old grandson who died as a result of Meningitis, says that he will prove his innocence as a way of honoring the child.

According to the accounts of the people who accompanied the former president during the less than two hours that he spent at the funeral ceremony, Lula said in an emotionally charged speech that his grandson he suffered "bullying" when he was imprisoned and, therefore, the best way to honor him is to show that he is innocent.

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"Your statement before saying goodbye we have all been touched. He added that his grandson was bullied at school and that his clbadmates told him that his grandfather was being held by a thief, "said Joao Pedro Stédile, the leader of the landless movement ( MST), loyal ally of Lula.

"Then, addressing the (body of) grandson, he pledged to fight in every way for justice to recognize him as innocent. He said that, in heaven, he would be very proud of his grandfather, "added the leader of the MST, an active and historic peasant organization allied to the Workers Party (PT).

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According to a note posted on the website of the Lula Institute, the emotional leader, who cried all the time, said that in addition to showing who is a thief and who is not, the grandson in heaven will have a degree of innocence.

In the only time he left the prison and after having been cleared by the law, Lula participated in following his grandson and at the cremation ceremony in the garden of the hill cemetery of Sao Bernardo do Campo, city ​​of the Sao Paulo metropolitan area in which he began his political career and in which he is resident.

The exmandatario, who is serving two convictions for corruption and money laundering in the city of Curitiba, arrived at the cemetery at 11:10 local time (14:10 GMT) this Saturday and bid farewell to his family and his allies policies at 12:58 (15:58), before getting into the police car where the return trip began.

Lula da Silva with her 7-year-old grandson, deceased as a result of meningitis. EFE Photo

Lula da Silva with her 7-year-old grandson, deceased as a result of meningitis. EFE Photo

His short period outside the prison, but escorted by a colorful security device mobilizing 275 uniformed personnel, began very early in the morning, when he left the premises of the federal police in Curitiba, and ended in the afternoon, when he returned to his workplace. cell.

Most of the time was spent on flights between Curitiba and Sao Paulo in a plane provided by the Government of the State of Paraná and in four sections by helicopter.

Lula da Silva, heavily guarded. Reuter Photo.

Lula da Silva, heavily guarded. Reuter Photo.

Upon his arrival at the cemetery and his departure, the former trade union leader hailed from afar the 300 or so supporters who accompanied him and who, in addition to messages of support, launched slogans such as "Lula libre", which has become famous since The most charismatic president in the history of Brazil has been imprisoned.

The former president, who wore a dark suit without a tie and white hair, found himself at the cemetery with allies such as his successor in the presidency, Dilma Rousseff, and the former mayor of Sao Paulo, Fernando Haddad, candidate defeated by Jair Bolsonaro, party of the far right, in the presidential elections of October.

Some worried about his health, especially after the coup that resulted in the death of one of his 6 grandchildren, with whom he had a special relationship. "We have to pay attention to Lula's health, we can not underestimate such pain," said Haddad.

Lula da Silva greets the fans who accompanied him when he arrived in the wake of his grandson. AFP photo.

Lula da Silva greets the fans who accompanied him when he arrived in the wake of his grandson. AFP photo.

Key PT leaders attended the funeral ceremony, the training that Lula helped found in 1980 and that ruled Brazil for 13 years between 2003 and 2016.

Arthur Araujo Lula da Silva, one of six grandchildren of the former president, died Friday in a hospital in Sao Paulo in which he had been admitted for meningococcal meningitis.

The death occurred a month after the cancer death of the president's older brother.

Lula wanted to attend the burial of her brother but justice has just allowed a family reunion while the body of Genival Inácio da Silva, known as Vavá, had already been buried. He therefore refused permission and decided to stay in his cell.

The Socialist leader was jailed in April last year after being sentenced to 12 years in prison by a second instance court for pbadive bribery and money laundering in a case related to the Petrobras deviation scandal. owned by the state.

Last month, he was sentenced for the second time for corruption, to 12 years and 11 months in prison, accused of benefitting from the million-dollar reforms that three construction companies made in a country house that had been left to his home. family. EFE


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