"Total Lie": a very close confrontation between Pampita and a show journalist!


She is the center of attention in the world of entertainment, she is one of the most beautiful women in the country. On several occasions, he has been the center of attention of all media, not only for his remarkable curves and pretty face, but also for his love failures. On this occasion, history repeats itself with regard to the subject, the press attributes to it a possible romance with an actor and it explodes with fury.

It is about Pampita, the model and the host do not support the supposed news that evoke a surprise commitment between her and Vico D'Alessandro. Before the rumors, the famous went to attack and destroyed the journalist responsible for disseminating information, in this case: Rodrigo Lussich, Pilot of Confrontados, program broadcast by the Nueve channel.

"Absolute lie! Let the people of sugar squeeze with something else and do not hang up! Vergenza gives reporters who put anything without checking it … I do not know!" Was the strong response of the protagonist via Twitter, half chosen by the reporter to publicize the supposed novel.

Given the strong statement of the driver, Lussich was not silent and was for more: "Your denials scare me … you went from denying your fatigue to the crisis with Vicua, you celebrated the 10 years of relationship for the magazine tapas and the month when you were shouting in a motorhome … and separate yourself! Vergenza also lies! "Kisses!" was the direct and spicy comment of the protagonist of Confrontados.

The municipality of Rodrigo did not stay, redoubled the bet and added: "Apart from putting the sugar in this mmmmm … Why this conclusion? Mmmm .. and also, your old Pico is not a friend of Vico? You did not know him Anyway … all weird, "was the provocative and strong response of the driver.

It seems that there is an unexpected battle between the two figures of the farndula, none shrinks and goes for more. The meditative story will surely have a new virtual duel, the unusual form of the last crossings of the show, a clear example of this case is the war between Lourdes Snchez and Sol Prez.

Watch the virtual war between Pampita and Rodrigo:


Total lie! Let Sugar put pressure on something else and do not hang on to me! The journalists from Vergenza said that they put anything in without checking it. I do not know him! https://t.co/ATqouXTkqQ

Pampita Ardohain (@pampitaoficial) November 28, 2018

Your denials scare me … you continued to minimize your crises with Vicua, you celebrated 10 years of relationship for magazine covers and the month you screamed in a motorhome … and you were separated! Vergenza also lies! Kisses! https://t.co/rWtEujTJ9O

rodrigo lussich (@rodrigolussich) November 28, 2018

Apart from putting the sugar in sto mmmmm … Why this conclusion? Mmmm .. and also, your ex Pico is not Vico's friend? You never met him? Whatever it is … all weird. https://t.co/rWtEujTJ9O

rodrigo lussich (@rodrigolussich) November 28, 2018

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