total three-day confinement for a coronavirus case


New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern on Tuesday ordered the confinement for three days of the more than five million inhabitants of the country, after having detected a case of community transmission in the city of Auckland, the first since February 28.

The measure, which is being given due to fears that the case detected today is with the Delta variant, will go into effect at midnight, although the nearly 1.7 million people of Auckland, the city’s most populated by New Zealand, and more than 1,600 of the neighboring Coromandel Peninsula will be confined for seven days.

“We only have one chance. We have to go hard and early to stop transmissions, ”he told journalists from Wellington Ardern, whose management against Covid-19 was applauded around the world, justifying this confinement.

En virtud de la orden sanitaria, los neozelandeses solo podrán salir de sus casas -con mascarillas faciales y guardando una distancia de dos metros respecto a otra persona- para hacer las compras de vital necesidad, practicar deportes, someterse a pruebas para detectar el coronavirus, among others essential reasons.

New Zealand’s Chief Health Officer Ashley Bloomfield told the press conference that the 58-year-old man infected with the virus, who traveled to the Coromadel Peninsula over the weekend, started your infectious period last Thursday.

Jacinda Ardern has decreed a three-day quarantine for all New Zealand residents.  EFE Photo

Jacinda Ardern has decreed a three-day quarantine for all New Zealand residents. EFE Photo

So far, the health authorities they could not detect the origin of the virus nor determine whether it was disclosed quarantine centers for international travelers.

“Although this case was identified in Auckland, it forces us all to be part of the response. It’s a national affair», Noted the medical authority.

Since the start of the pandemic, New Zealand has accumulated more than 2,900 confirmed cases and probable Covid-19, including 26 deceased and 43 active cases, almost all in quarantine centers.

New Zealand officials last week ramped up their vaccination campaign, which began last February among border workers, and began inoculating doses of Pfizer to the general population of more than 5 million people at the end of July.

The executive hears complete the vaccination of the target population before the end of the year to reopen its borders, which closed in March 2020, from the first quarter of 2021 thanks to an individualized plan that weighs the risk of the country of origin of the international traveler and his vaccination status.

With information from the EFE



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