Tour de table in court at the request of Cristina Kirchner in Cuba – 04/12/2019


The federal prosecutor Diego Luciani, who intervenes in the case for the supposed direction of work of the public highway of Santa Cruz, he objected This Friday, Cristina Kirchner travels to Cuba to see her daughter Florencia before the start of the oral and public trial, scheduled to begin May 21.

Luciani is the prosecutor at the Federal Oral Court 2, which will hold the first oral trial against the former president, accused of having misappropriated the offers in favor of Lázaro Báez with 52 public contracts for the province of Santa Cruz de 46 billion pesos.

In a notice she submitted to the Federal Oral Court (TOF) 2, Luciani baderted that the date of travel referred to by the national senator "It's very close" to that planned for the beginning of the oral and public trial for the supposed direction of works of the public way in Santa Cruz.

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The former president sought permission to travel to Cuba, where his daughter is under medical treatment, between April 20 and April 30 and the start of the trial of the case, known as "Direction public works "for Lázaro Báez. for the 21st of May.

The judicial sources noted that Luciani maintained that the authorization of the trip could "put in danger" beginning of the oral and public trial and added that it was not possible to exclude in advance that once in Cuba, the ex-president had asked for a extension of his stay.

In his opinion, the prosecutor cited other cases in which he had adopted positions similar to those of the former Secretary of the Environment and Sustainable Development, Romina Picolotti, and to the other. former president of Casa de la Moneda Armando Gostanian, who had allowed him to rebuild this agency.

Last March, the same prosecutor was in favor of allowing the former president to travel to Cuba because there were still two months left for the start of the trial, but this time he changed his mind, the sources said.

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The decision on permission or not requested by Cristina was now in the hands of TOF 2 integrated by Judges Jorge Gorini, Rodrigo Giménez Uriburu and Andrés Bbado. The current senator has also sought leave before the courts to try her in the cases "Los Sauces" (TOF 5) and "Hotesur" (TOF 8), according to sources.

The prosecutor who intervenes in the case Los Sauces, Diego Velasco, has pronounced in favor of the authorization of the trip. while his colleague in the Hotesur case, Marcelo Colombo, has not yet expressed himself, indicated judicial sources.

With the former president and Baez will be tried 14 other people, including the former Federal Planning Minister, Julio De Vido, and officials of this portfolio.

Florencia stays in Havana and Cristina has asked justice for permission to visit her.

Florencia stays in Havana and Cristina has asked justice for permission to visit her.

Although Cristina is not forbidden to leave the country, yes has the obligation to notify judges and courts that have cases against them when he intends to do so, in case one of them objects. As a reminder, the ele mandala weighs eleven prosecutions, five requests for pre-trial detention and five cases were heard in an oral trial. The issuance of permits is therefore generous.

The prosecutor before the TOF 5 who will try the current senator and her children for money laundering in the Los Sauces case, Diego Velasco, had agreed Thursday to travel on time, from 20 to April 30th. .

This case is precisely where the justice follows the Florence Kirchner case, because she is one of the accused and, according to her family, her lawyer can not return to the country because of health problems arising from an alleged post-traumatic stress disorder. .

The TOF 5 judges asked the former film student's defender to submit his medical history and medical badysis to justify his request to remain in the Caribbean until his release. Carlos Beraldi has complied with this request last Monday and the documents he has submitted will be examined by forensic experts next week.

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The novelty is that the prosecutor Luciani did not share the criteria of his colleague Velasco and recommended to the judges of the TOF 2 not to give their approval for the trip of Cristina. Luciani believes that the trip of the former president is a riskbefore the date of the beginning of the first oral trial against him. Judges Jorge Gorini, Rodrigo Giménez Uriburu and Andrés Bbado must now reply.

In the meantime, the opinion of the prosecutor Marcelo Colombo, who participated in the future oral proceedings for money laundering through the family business Hotesur, and judges of the Federal Oral Court 8 who will organize this trial, and the judge Claudio Bonadio, who accuses the former president in the case of notebooks and their records. Cristina will not be able to go to Havana by one of her cases.

Florencia Kirchner is in Havana, badisted by the Center for Medical and Surgical Research of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Cuba (CIMEQ).

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According to the medical certificate issued by this entity and submitted to the Argentine justice, Cristina's daughter suffers: "from a (definitive) main diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder, indicating as other diagnoses what following: study purpuric syndrome; demyelinating sensory polyneuropathy of unknown etiology; study amenorrhea; low body weight and mild limb lymphoedema of undefined etiology ".

In statements on the radio, her lawyer said that the girl was suffering from "a series of pathologies". "Some have to do with things that have been said, and others with medical situations prevented as a result of periodically conducted studies," explained Carlos Beraldi.


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