Tourist lost two fingers of his hand after being bitten by a poisonous spider | the Chronicle


A pleasure trip with friends ended in a nightmare for a man from Gusts of wind, who went on vacation to Ibiza, and after being bitten by a mite, he ended up losing two fingers of his hand. Scientists have indicated that this is a species known in Spain as the “Mediterranean recluse spider” O “violinist spider”.

From what he exposed The country, the specimen that bit the man was a Loxosceles rufescens, which is very similar to the dreaded “Local spider”, whose scientific name is Loxosceles favorable.

In the person’s account, she indicated that she went with friends to see a sunset in mid-July and for this they went up to a rocky area.

After putting his hand on a rock, the victim said he felt a deep pain in one of his fingers. To look at noticed that a spider was moving away, but he did not notice its shape and color.

It was the hand of the infected subject (Twitter).

Thinking that the situation would not happen to the adults, the tourist returned with his friends to the place where they were staying. However, after six hours the man started with a high fever and general malaise, and to this was added that his hand was swollen and red.

Due to the fear he was feeling, the man was referred to Can Misses Hospital, where he was treated with empiric treatment, as symptoms indicated that it could be a bite of spider.

Gangrene and amputation

“The patient arrived with sepsis secondary to a skin infection in the hand and wrist. My hand was very swollen and the index, middle and little fingers of the dominant hand were badly affected ”, supported the doctor Juan Martinez.

The patient was hospitalized for several days and although authorities tried to stop the gangrene in his hand, in the end It was decided to amputate the index and middle fingers.


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