Tourists denounce attacks and abuses in the Hole Blower in San Andrés


Tourists in Hoyo Soplador de San Andrés.  Colprensa.
Tourists in Hoyo Soplador de San Andrés. Colprensa.

This Monday, June 21, the complaint of Sofía Cañón, a tourist who says she was assaulted on Tuesday, June 8, was known during a visit the Blow Hole in San Andrés.

According to the young woman on her Instagram account, when she arrived with a group of 16 other travelers at the place in question He noted that some men were at the entrance, who “said they were islanders who made a living from tourism and that they could be helped by buying crazy coconuts which they made and sold for 20,000 pesos” .

So, according to his story, “Some people decided to contribute to the purchase of the product (…) some of us didn’t have the money to make the purchase, but they told us we had to consume, which is what we ignored and still entered “.

Likewise, Sofia said that when they were already inside the site, they waited a few minutes and when they noticed that they had a line of about 20 people in front and that the moment the hole was blowing had already passed, they decided to cancel the Crazy Coconuts, but that’s when the problems started:

“He got upset and started saying we couldn’t leave and had to pay (the drinks weren’t ready yet). When we were all in the cars, the person driving the last car started to say that she had taken her keys. Those who attended the Blow Hole were holding us ”.

So, the tourist assured that when her boyfriend realized the situation, he grabbed the man by the neck, and at that moment “A lot of Islanders are starting to come in to punch four of the teammates, including myself and other women who were trying to stop the fight.”

The fight left several people with serious bodily injuries, facial cracks and fracturess, but also, according to Sofia, one of the men managed to pull out a knife by beating one of the tourists.

“When the fighting stopped, they started extorting us, asking for 200,000 pesos to let us go and return the keys, even when the men accompanying us were bloody and wounded. A colleague paid the sum of money and the keys were returned to us. She was also beaten for throwing a crazy coconut on the ground. “

After that, and after having managed to leave the place, they went to the hospital where two of their friends had to be sutured, then they decided to file a complaint with the authorities:

“We lodged a complaint with the police that we had been detained, beaten, mistreated and extorted, they told us they would be responsible for dealing with it with tourism officials. They also told us that similar complaints are recurrent ”.

Here is the complaint that the tourist posted via her Instagram account:

The complaint in turn, made several people respond to the tourist with other testimonies which also highlighted the bad times that can happen in the popular place of the island:

Likewise, Sofia posted other comments from travelers who were not at all successful with their on-site visit:


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