Tourists walking in an abandoned mine have discovered the largest case of serial femicides in the history of Cyprus


Some tourists took a terrible surprise on the beautiful and peaceful island of Cyprus. While they were visiting an abandoned mine, they came across the corpse of a woman. After the discovery, which was notified to the police, it was discovered a series of femicides which has caused panic in the small Mediterranean country.

After a police deployment, the perpetrator of the crime was arrested and he himself revealed the chain of murders for which he was responsible. It's about the official of the National Guard of Cyprus, Nikos Metaxas. The 35-year-old man confessed until now the murder of 5 women and two girls. However, the authorities suspect that the number of victims could be greater.

Police are investigating the area where the body of a woman was discovered near Orounta in Cyprus. (Photo: EFE / Katia Christodoulou)
Police are investigating the area where the body of a woman was discovered near Orounta in Cyprus. (Photo: EFE / Katia Christodoulou)

Metaxas was arrested on April 18, three days after the accidental discovery of tourists a body in a well located in an abandoned mine in the city of Mitsero, about 30 kilometers west of the Cypriot capital.

The body has been identified by the authorities. The woman named Mary Rose Tiburcio, she was 39 years old and was Filipino. But she did not live alone: ​​she had a 6-year-old daughter. According to picked up L & # 39; vanguard, the killer badured that the little girl is dead drowned with his own vomit in his house and he threw the body into a lake.

The same detainee told the police where the body was another of his victims and the agents found it last Thursday.

Police officers from the town of Orounta, near Nicosia, where the body of one of the victims was found dead. (Photo: AP)
Police officers from the town of Orounta, near Nicosia, where the body of one of the victims was found dead. (Photo: AP)

After, Metaxas he confessed to two more murders One Romanian, Livia Florentina Bunea, 36, and her eight-year-old daughter, both missing since the end of September 2016, are part of a list that continues to grow.

Until now Police found three bodies while the search for the other four continues.


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