Toxic 2.0: He Used The Latest Technology To Drive His Ex-Partner Crazy, Scare His New Girlfriend, And Disclose Sex Photos | the Chronicle


The breakage of a pair and one of the parties being turned down is not something new. But yes, new technologies, social networks and other platforms are used for a person to make life impossible for their ex.

And that’s exactly what he did Phillipa copleston warren, a 46-year-old English consultant, who confessed in court that He hacked his ex’s Facebook, uploaded her nude photos, and scared the new girlfriend using an Amazon device.

The events happened two years ago, but the jealousy attack crossed all bounds and the case reached Justice: in October the sentence against him will be known.

According to the re-enactment, the first thing Philippa did was access her ex’s personal account on Facebook and posts a picture of him completely naked, along with the text: “My everyday question: am I fat?

The man didn’t realize what had happened until he started receiving messages from his friends in the early morning hours of October 6, 2019. Then Warren took it upon himself to warn him: “You might want to delete your nude photo from Facebook. “

As stated by the victim, the image reached Pakistan and was declared in court “to feel violatedO “. And when he tried to delete the message, he noticed that his password had been changed. But that was only the first part of the “toxic 2.0” plan.

To make it difficult to remove the photo, the woman took advantage and changed the social network password of the victim. But the young Briton did not stop and went further.

We. Amazon Echo to scare the girlfriend

The more than 100 miles of distance between her and her ex-partner’s house was no obstacle for Phillipa. Thanks to the Amazon Alexa system, he was able to enter the privacy of the house, since the young man has the device connected to the security cameras, speakers and smart lights.

During a visit from a new partner, his ex-girlfriend did not miss the opportunity and decided to interrupt the romantic evening: He yelled through a smart speaker to get out of the house, amid a wave of insults.

The situation only got worse, Copleston-Warren was completely mad and started to turn on and off the lights of the different environments of the house to annoy them.

In addition, he seized the account of his ex on the social network Meet (a dating app), in which the man is presumed to have met his new lover, and began to insult her in this way.

The woman used an Amazon Echo Dot with Alexa.

An attack of jealousy reaches justice

Philipa admitted the facts in court and pleaded guilty to posting intimate images of her ex-boyfriend in order to upset him. According to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), his case will be sentenced on October 6.

Christian Meikle, member of the PSC, said: “Phillipa Copleston-Warren has committed a serious invasion of privacy. He left his victim feeling completely raped in his own home and online. Besides, did not delete the image when asked to do so and changed the account password to delay victim access.

Also jubilee of his actions in a WhatsApp group and threatened to send the nude image to the victim’s friends and associates.

Facebook finally deleted the image after it was marked as inappropriate.

Meikle added that posting nude pictures online as revenge was illegal and he hoped that the prosecution would encourage others concerned to lodge a complaint.


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