Toyota introduced the new Supra at the Goodwood Festival


T oyota continues to generate expectations with the third generation of its iconic sports car, the Supra. After presenting a prototype at the last Geneva Motor Show, he decided to take the final version of the traditional Goodwood Festival of Speed ​​… but by playing the mystery again: the unit that turned the circuit has maintained a camouflage that only allowed to see part of his design

In what we can see on the official images, the A90 (as this new generation is known internally), retains much of the aesthetic characteristics of the prototype, with an elongated frontal sector. V, a badpit spilled back and a rear finish something similar to the GT-86, which will become his younger brother. Another striking detail are the LED headlights at the front and the waist design, inspired by the GT-2000 of the late 60s.

 lateral toyota

there n & # There is still no information or pictures from within, although we felt that it will have the latest advances developed by the brand in terms of connectivity.

There is not much precise information about its mechanisms, but we know that the Supra is developed in collaboration with the BMW Z4 with which it will share its platform and the 6-cylinder engine in line, although with specific adjustments made by the engineers of the Japanese firm to differentiate the two products. There is talk of a power that would be of the order of 335 hp plus another engine for the entry – level version of four – cylinder and 250 hp. Even considering the importance Toyota places on its hybrid technology, a variant of this type is not ruled out for later.

 atras toyota

In this thread of unknowns, it adds the most important When the final version will be presented without any type of camouflage? The Japanese brand maintains absolute silence in this regard, however, some European media say that it could happen before or during the Paris Salon, which will take place in October this year.

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