Traces of the same group | The denunciation of Garr …


National MP Nilda Garré yesterday presented Dolores with a motion asking Judge Alejo Ramos Padilla to determine if the group in which Marcelo D'Alessio was reviewing was not the one who had collected the false accusation against him and to which Máximo Kirchner accused them of having account in which moved 61 million dollars and had a balance of 41 million dollars of the American currency. The initial information, published on March 29, 2015, was published in the Clarín newspaper. And the article was presented to Judge Paula Olivetto. The next day, exactly the same thing was published by Brazilian magazine Veja, citing Clarín. What is striking is that the supposed source of journalists was "an American researcher in the financial sector," just as D'Alessio introduced himself to those who did not know him. In Garré's complaint, Judge Marcelo Martínez de Giorgi ordered the dismissal of his trial and Máximo Kirchner was accompanied and the magistrate was asked to request a copy of the file.

According to the brief filed yesterday by Garre's lawyer, Alejandro Rua, this publication on behalf of the Felton Bank of Delaware was "a great false news of the newspaper Clarín to urge the 2015 presidential campaign, accusing us falsely holding foreign accounts and foreign companies with serious criminal connotations ".

Verifying that the news was false was simple. It was enough to enter the page of the Federal Reserve, where it was stated that the bank Felton had a total of $ 71 million deposits, so that it was impossible for an account unique to have 41 million. No central bank, in any country in the world, accepts that a bank has such exposure on a single client, because the account holder takes the deposits elsewhere and the bank goes bankrupt. But, moreover, since the Federal Reserve records the number of deposits over $ 250,000 (the amount guaranteed), in the case of Felton, the figure of $ 6 million, that is to say There was no chance that there would be 41 million.

The motivated news tapas and more Clarín tapas, mentioning that by the account at Felton Bank (later called CNB) funds from Iran have been channeled for an alleged sale of nuclear material. The version was doubly delirious since the United States controlled movements of money originating from the Persian nation.

Garré appeared in Dolores because, in the file instructed by Alejo Ramos Padilla, is a procedural object in which appear operations such as that undergone by her and Máximo Kirchner. Garros told Ramos Padilla: "The main object of the investigation into this case is the performance of a criminal organization dedicated to the execution of multiple tasks related to espionage, including unlawful investigations, extortion, "ablandes", "panic", "tightening", "shelves", "false complaints", among other forms of coercion and intimidation, all for economic and political purposes. "The MP then said that the operation of the organization that collected the false Delaware story was very similar to that of Dolores.

To this it is added that two of the participants in the Ramos Padilla case are the same as those who injured Garré: the texts written by Santoro, then the complaint filed by Oliveto.

The third factor is that the source designated as coming from US account data is sometimes "an expert in US finance", sometimes "two experts" and even the author of Clarín's note, Daniel Santoro, mentioned the existence of a document containing the money data in the Felton. This document has never been published or provided in the trial. Olivetto, for his part, emphasized that the information came from an "American specialist in financial sector research". There is therefore strong suspicion that D'Alessio participated in the operation, which was presented in this manner.

In the case heard by Martínez de Giorgi, US authorities have denied the existence of such an account, nor the guarantee that Garre or Máximo Kirchner had funds in that country. The existence of accounts on behalf of Business & Services IBC, a Belize company, mentioned by Clarín, was also refused. Belize has also officially declared that it has not registered a company bearing this name. In other words, the information was false in its entirety, but it was used during the election campaign and certainly had its effect. Comodoro Py took no less than three years to dictate the dismissal signed by Martínez de Giorgi on 21 November 2018.

Save Garré, represented by Rúa, wants the maneuver to be examined. The dirty room looks too much like the others of D'Alessio, the deputies of Cambiemos, the Federal Intelligence Agency, Commodore Py and Casa Rosada. Maybe it's not the same group, but it's certainly the same style.

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