Trade between Argentina and Denmark increased by 40% in 2018


This performance reflects an acceleration in the pace of expansion, well above the 2% recorded in 2017.

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With a total of 576 million US dollars, the trade between nations was at the level reached in 2009 and slightly below the maximum of the series recorded in 2008, or 640 million US dollars, according to the ACC report. In this order, he added that over the period 1993-2018, trade recorded a growth rate of 6.4% annual average.

He also pointed out that in 2018, Argentine exports to Denmark amounted to 272 million US dollars, an increase of 21% over 2017. "The main product exported was flour and millet. pellet derived from the extraction of soybean oil, accounting for 85.7% of deliveries, then sparkling wines, grape must with fermentation cut for addition of alcohol, with 6% of the total exported, "he said.

In contrast, Argentine imports from Denmark amounted to US $ 304 million in 2018, an increase of 61.9% over the value of the previous year.

The main imported products were parts for motors, generators, generators and rotary converters, with 37.7% of purchases in Argentina, and drugs containing polypeptide or protein hormones, accounting for 8.1% of the total imports. .

Meanwhile, the balance of the trade balance with Denmark was 32 million US dollars for Argentina in 2018, which implied a reversal of the sign compared to the previous year, with a surplus of 37 million dollars US.

It is the first commercial red registered by Argentina for 26 years. Since 1993, it has recorded a surplus in its trade with Denmark, said the CAC. In this sense, the highest positive balance of the period badyzed was obtained in 2008 and amounted to $ 354 million.

It should be noted that President Mauricio Macri will host the Queen of Denmark, Margarita II, and her son, the Crown Prince, Federico, during a visit where they will seek to strengthen relations between the two states and to create new commercial links. The monarchs will arrive accompanied by an official delegation and a delegation of thirty companies from the agri-food, renewable energy and health sectors.


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