Traffic lights: what do yellow, green and red mean?


The four fundamental factors for assessing where destination countries fall under traffic are the percentage of the population vaccinated, the infection rate, the prevalence of worrisome variants, and the country's access to scientific data and genomic sequencing. reliable (REUTERS)
The four fundamental factors in assessing where destination countries fall under traffic are the percentage of the population vaccinated, the infection rate, the prevalence of worrisome variants, and the country’s access to scientific data and genomic sequencing. reliable (REUTERS)

the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, After approval by the Member States of the European Union, it decided to establish a european map, which is updated weekly, and which graphically shows the measures to restrict free movement consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic. Beyond the management of this traffic light, the rest of the countries of the world are, in the majority of cases, accepting as his own this sequencing to resolve the conditions of receptive travel.

The four fundamental factors to assess where the traffic light falls in destination countries are the percentage of the population vaccinated, the infection rate, the prevalence of worrisome variants, and the country’s access to scientific data and reliable genomic sequencing. The areas of the different countries are colored green, yellow / orange / amber (depends on where it is replicated) or red. The first indicates countries with a notification rate in the last 14 days of less than 25 cases per 100,000 population and a positive test rate of less than 4%.

The colour yellow is reserved for cases in which the notification rate for the previous 14 days is less than 50 cases per 100,000, But positivity rate tests be 4% or more oh, if the The notification rate for these 14 days is between 25 and 150 cases per 100,000 and the test positivity rate is less than 4%. The tone red indicated countries where the notification rate for the previous 14 days is 50 cases per 100,000 or more and the the test’s positivity rate is 4% or more, or if the notification rate for those 14 days is greater than 150 cases per 100,000, it is colored in that red color.

Depending on the color of the traveler's country of origin, in the country of destination certain entry restrictions may be imposed
Depending on the color of the traveller’s country of origin, in the country of destination certain entry restrictions may be imposed

Finally, a gray color is defined for countries where insufficient information has been provided or where the detection rate does not reach 300 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. the The Azores, Greenland, the Canary Islands and the Madeira Islands, are colored regardless of their country.

Depending on the color of the traveller’s country of origin, in the country of destination certain entry restrictions may be imposed. So here is the origin is a green country, this means that travelers going to another European country will not have any restrictions. However, if the country of origin is red, they may be quarantined on arrival or undergo a mandatory coronavirus test before entering the other European country.

The strict card

Portugal, Gibraltar or Israel, for example, are among the 12 territories on the green list, so travelers, although they will have to take a test before the trip and another later - on the first or second day - n ' will not need to be isolated In addition, further tests will not be necessary to prove that the person is not a carrier of SARS-CoV-2 (REUTERS)
Portugal, Gibraltar or Israel, for example, are among the 12 territories on the green list, so travelers, although they will have to take a test before travel and a subsequent test – on the first or second day – n ” will not need Additional tests will also not be necessary to prove that the person is not a carrier of SARS-CoV-2 (REUTERS)

Under the same concept but with a more demanding look the UK has opted for its own traffic light system categorize other destinations and tackle the spread of imported COVID-19 cases on UK soil. The decision, although internationally requested for reconsideration, it will fully affect the neighboring tourism sector, since the British are foreigners who travel the most especially to Mediterranean destinations.

The recommendations, which were prepared by the International Travel Working Group, include the removal of the travel authorization form, which means passengers will no longer need to prove they have a valid reason to leave the country, a requirement that was until now essential.

Portugal, Gibraltar or Israel, for example, they are part of the 12 territories on the green list, For what The travellers, Although one test should be done before the trip and one later – on the first or second day they will not need to be isolated and no further testing will be necessary prove that the person does not have SARS-CoV-2.

This list is supplemented by other destinations such as Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Brunei, Iceland or Falklands. On the other hand, The United Kingdom has added Turkey, Nepal and the Maldives to its red list of territories banned from travel. Those who decide to do it despite the norm, they must keep the ten-day quarantine in a hotel and undergo three tests, one before the trip and two more on the second and eighth days after arriving in the UK. Among the countries that have already inflated this ranking are, among others, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Uruguay, South Africa and Venezuela.


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