Tragedy in Brazil: eleven dead after the fire of the hospital | Chronic


At least 11 people died from a fire in a hospital in Rio de Janeiro, according to local authorities, who confirmed this morning the discovery of the bodies.

The causes of the incident are unknown. (Twitter)

The flames started around 6:30 pm Thursday and, according to initial investigations, its origin would be due to a short circuit, reported the agency. DPA

Commotion in Brazil. (Twitter)

The fire department managed to extinguish the fire in two hours and after evicting the building located in the district of Maracaná.

Victims could increase due to the large number of injuries. (Twitter)

"The hospital has 200 beds, it was almost full, everyone had to be transferred," explained his owner, Jose Badim

Television images showed television images, while nurses, doctors and volunteers ran for the patients.

A "hospital" has been installed in the street. (Twitter)

Mattresses and stretchers were placed on the asphalt in the street, while ambulances were trying to get to the hospital to transfer patients in more delicate conditions to other hospitals.


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