Tragedy in India: more than 100 people were killed by floods


The balance of deaths due to floods recorded in recent days by torrential rains in India has risen to more than a hundred, according to the authorities of the Asian country.

Over the past three days, more than 60 people have died from floods in the state of Kerala (southwest), where more than 166,000 people have been displaced.

According to the information collected by the Indian television channel NDTV, the authorities fear that the number of dead is not important, several landslides have been recorded in the cities of Malapuram and Wayanad, without having been able to access the region.

In addition, another 30 people have died in the past two days in the state of Maharashtra, without rescue teams being able to access all affected areas. A total of 400,000 people have been displaced in that state.

On the other hand, more than a dozen people died in the state of Karnataka, where floods affected about a thousand towns and villages in 17 districts.

Torrential rains are part of the monsoon season, which has shaken Southeast Asia for weeks. During the last monsoon season, nearly 500 people died from floods in India.


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