Tragedy in Peru: a bus overturned and at least 27 people died | the Chronicle


They were traveling by bus to Arequipa (Peru) but it overturned, killing at least 27 people, while 16 others were injured. Apparently, the cause of the tragedy would have been the speeding. Most of the passengers worked for the mining company Ares SAC and left after 20 days of work in the Pallanca area, so they returned to rest.

Police said the vehicle was traveling at a very high speed, so the driver lost control when entering a dangerous bend. from the interoceanic highway at kilometer 37 to Nasca (Ica) -Puquio (Ayacucho) -Chalhuanca-Abancay (Apurímac).

The bus, which belonged to the company Expreso Internacional Palomino SAC, overturned and drove for about 200 meters along the slopes of the hill. The remains of 24 passengers were found there and three others died in hospital. The unit had 43 people on board and was part of a convoy of three buses and a van.

Early information indicated that the vehicle had crashed prior to the rollover, but as the investigation progressed it was confirmed that this had not happened and that the cause was driver negligence.

The hypothesis that gained ground and which is supported by some of the survivors is that the bus was simply traveling at high speed, the driver lost control when he reached a sharp bend, causing him to turn around and slide down the hill.

The rescue was the responsibility of the firefighters of the company Nasca Nº 82 and the staff of the Vista Alegre police station, who were the first to arrive on the scene, around three in the morning. It didn’t take long to transfer the injured Jorge Chauca Condeña, William Carrillo Quino, Benito Torres Holp, Alejandro Coila, Anaís Salhua Coropuna, Jonathan Páucar Huanca Yes William Cama Chaupi, at the nearest hospital.

“There was an obvious speeding ticket around the corner. We still do not know if it is because he tried to overtake another vehicle or if he had a breakdown ”, commented a police officer, who also confirmed that none of the passengers were wearing seat belts.

The company released a statement saying that the Expreso Internacional Palomino SAC bus had a valid Vehicle Technical Inspection Certificate (CITV) and Compulsory Traffic Accident Insurance (SOAT).

In addition, they confirmed that this unit was performing a special special worker transfer service for a private company and had valid authorization for this service.

That was the statement


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