Tragedy in Peru: a couple died after falling from a bridge while he was kissing


They were mountain guides and died from the impact of the 15 meter high waterfall


It happened early Saturday in the city of Cusco. According to the Andean agency, mountain guides Héctor Yulino Vidal López, 36, and Maybeth Espinoza Flórez, 34, died from a 15-meter drop after leaning on the Bethlehem bridge to take kiss All was recorded by a security camera located instead.

N channel capture
N channel capture

As seen in the video, Maybeth sits against the railing of the bridge and her legs around her boyfriend's waist. This made them lose balance and sank into the void. In this way, the possibility of suicide was excluded.

Due to the impact, the northern Lima couple suffered fatal injuries. Health services quickly arrived at the scene but failed to save them. Both had multiple fractures to the head that had caused severe head trauma.

Some witnesses said that a few moments ago, the couple was in several bars and was probably released under the influence of alcohol. The police commander, Manuel Mar Pérez, said in statements to the local press that it was a case of "negligence" on the part of the couple.

The bodies were transferred to the central morgue of Cusco and handed over Monday to their relatives.



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