Tragic temporary in Sao Paulo killed 12 people | Chronic


The storm that hit Sao Paulo and its surroundings Sunday night and Monday morning killed at least 12 people, including a baby. Floods and landslides were other consequences of the weather phenomenon. All the fire brigades in this Brazilian state had to be attentive to the situation and on Monday, there were more than 750 incidents related to the storm.

I report total injuries to affected families in the various municipalities in the state. Unfortunately, at the present time, we have 4 confirmed deaths. We monitor all situations without an emergency management center.

– João Doria (@jdoriajr)
March 11, 2019

According to the details, several victims lost their lives when houses in a favela in the municipality of Ribeirao Pires collapsed. In addition, brigadists had to rescue dozens of families with boats and inflatable boats. Given the seriousness of the facts, the Governor João Doria He urged people to stay in safe places and avoid walking the streets.

I report total injuries to affected families in the various municipalities in the state. Unfortunately, at the present time, we have 4 confirmed deaths. We monitor all situations without an emergency management center.

– João Doria (@jdoriajr)
March 11, 2019

"We will have rains tonight (Monday) and tomorrow (Tuesday) too." In addition to work, avoid leaving home for other activities and stay at home, it is safer to be registered for other programs that do not require work"He said.

Neste momento sobrevoamos alagados areas of the metropolitan area of ​​SP atingidas pelas strong chuvas. Total mobilization of civil defense teams and public agencies to reduce damage and save lives.

– João Doria (@jdoriajr)
March 11, 2019


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