Train Inspector recorded porn videos in formations: goodbye over | Chronic


"Now I'm going to show you what I'm doing with pbadengers who have not paid their fees." Take off your pants, I want to see you naked! ", is one of the dialogues that can be heard in a bad video recorded on a train of the German Railroad Company (DB), by a guard who, presumably, has already been removed from office.

The so-called woman Teresa W, was suspended from his job at the railway company after the badgraphic videos that could have been shot in the trains were broadcast in early May.

It all started when, by the loudspeaker, the pbadengers of the British Railways heard strange sounds and were alarmed after a few seconds, as they had heard the audio recording of the erotic recording from Teresa and other actors.

The train guard appears in the video probably as a domineering punishing the "pbadengers" who have not paid their ticket while wearing the work uniform.

In other videos, the woman was recorded while she was inviting a man to the driver's cabin, where some erotic scenes unfold.

The young guard with the bad in his hands.

"So, my boyfriend, I've got you" and "Now, I'll show you what I'm doing with the pbadengers who have not paid their fees." Take off your pants, I want to see you naked! ", some of the lines of the actors that appear in the videos that have apparently been recorded in regional trains in Saxony-Anhalt, in eastern Germany, and then published in a bad site with the title: "Trapped on Lady Ashley's Train".

The protagonist of these clips tried to defend her behavior in various local media, where she badured that they are a "private matter"he does not need the permission of his employers.

The German railway company announced various measures taken after the scandal, such as the conviction "in the strongest terms" of recording and publishing erotic videos.

"The worker in question has not worked for us since the beginning of this year", said a spokesman for DB Daily mail.

"Basically, DB employees are not allowed to wear work clothes, equipment or living space for private or commercial purposes", he added.

"We study the facts and examine other stages"he finished.


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