Trans student committed suicide after being kicked out of school for wearing a skirt | the Chronicle


Students protested at a school in Little, in the north of France, after meeting the suicide from a partner transgender of 17 who was excluded school to wear a skirt to attend classes.

The episode shocked the students, who dedicated a tribute to him this Friday, two days later, the young woman, who had started her gender transition, committed suicide. That day, they also organized a sit-in in the establishment to question the adequacy of their teaching equipment.

“The problem comes from the generation before ours. We need to teach them to respect trans people “said a friend of the young woman in the local newspaper Lille Actu, which reports that the victim had already attempted suicide before, last Sunday.

The student was expelled from classes on December 2 by the school’s director of studies, who criticized his clothes, which The student recorded and shared with his classmates, many of whom went viral after his death.

The principal and the director of studies told her that her clothes, a skirt and stockings, “It was not enough” and what could result “Shocking” for some people.

“I understand your desire to be yourself and this is done precisely to accompany you better, but you do not understand it. There are different sensitivities according to age, simply “, said the manager, to which the student replied: “So they are the ones who have to be educated”. “I agree”, replied the professor.

The day after the expulsion, the students were dressed in skirts to offer support and solidarity, which led the authorities to reinstate her and the young woman returned dressed as she wanted.

The school, which was aware of her change of sex, denies responsibility for the death and alleges that the young woman, who was living with a foster family, “Other difficulties” staff.

The regional education directorate, for its part, reported on Thursday the suicide of “A student changing his gender identity” and on What “I was accompanied” by the school team, thus showing their support to the teachers.

The president of the LGTB Le MAG Jeunes association, Omar Didi, meanwhile, underlined in France Info that “Having the courage to assert your gender identity in your school and being expelled is extremely violent” and questioned the sensitivity of the school.

The judge also opened an investigation to find out the circumstances of the death.

The clothes in which the pupil went to school and was expelled.


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