Trans woman died from neck compression but it’s unclear what happened


The autopsy that was performed on the trans woman found dead yesterday afternoon at a house in the Chaco 2500 determined that she died from the compression of her neck, although it is still unclear whether it was intentional homicide.

Based on the findings of the scientific study, which also shows the existence of some superficial beatings, prosecutor Jorge Viego tries to determine whether there was an intention to kill her or it was with the aim of reducing her to death. because of the state of alteration it presented, according to witnesses.

“Everything is very fresh and the investigation has just started to determine how the incident happened,” said a source familiar with the matter.

As a result of the case, they detained two elderly people – later released – one of whom was the victim’s brother, whom they identified as 31-year-old Yaelín Maydana Olmedo.

The conclusion indicates that the death was produced by “a traumatic cardiac arrest due to an interruption of the encephalic circulation by extrinsic compression of the neck”.

“He presented with a hematoma of the carotid artery and muscles on the left side. In the skull, he presented with bruises of the head, with intact bones without fractures, without lesions in the brain mass.

“Three hematomas in the middle part of the forehead, in the temple on the left side and in the temporal occipital part on the same side, without neurological lesions”.

The prosecution reported that, according to statements received, “the victim was suffering from a nervous breakdown, the brother and a neighbor tried to restrain her, while a woman called 911 to request the presence of the police. C ‘this is how death happened.

“So far, there would be no evidence of criminal intent and an expert opinion on the cell phones of all those involved will be carried out to supplement the evidence,” they added.

Commissioner Hugo Campetelli told LU2 that the trans woman was already dead when they arrived at the scene and that an ambulance 107 was called to confirm her death.

Campetelli said the trans woman was having addiction issues and that the emergency call was made by a neighbor who heard calls for help from someone who was with her.

He also reported that Maydana Olmedo had had episodes of domestic and dating violence.

Like the case of Minneapolis

An investigator compared the possible mechanics of the event to that of the death of African American George Floyd last May by police in Minneapolis, United States.

Without considering the outcome of the incident recorded yesterday in Bahia, he said that “according to witnesses, to keep her reduced to the ground, they supported her knee between her chest and her neck. It could have happened, with or without the intention of killing her. “

I had a restriction

The fatal incident took place at a house next to Maydana Olmedo’s mother, for which the victim had an approach restriction of 100 meters, according to what police sources have learned in recent hours.

This measure – which the victim allegedly violated – was taken in September by the safeguards tribunal and lasted 6 months.

The reason for the restriction has not been officially reported, but it is believed to be linked to threats after a family dispute.


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