Trans woman dreams of being religious, but Church prevents her – News


Eefje Spreuters is a trans woman who dreams of joining the Catholic Church, but her request was rejected.

He is 46 years old, lives in the Netherlands and for a year, he began his transformation from male to female.

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Since she was little, her dream has been to be a nun and to achieve this, she intends to reach the final consequences. She said she didn’t know why they were rejecting her if there were several nuns who invited her to join them.

The woman said Radio 2 from the Netherlands who, according to what he investigated, would not violate any rule once ordained in a convent because some time ago the case of a Franciscan priest who changed sex was known and no one could refuse to continue to perform their duties.

Rik Torkf, an expert lawyer for the Church, said that Eefje could join the Church, but he must do it according to the sex assigned to him at birth, the male. Therefore, it could only apply to be a priest.

In a document published by the Congregation for Catholic Education, the Catholic Church considers that the current debates on gender identity are not only “ambiguous”, but that they can “destabilize the family institution”.

Vatican News, the Church’s information platform, said these guidelines, intended to educate Catholic teachers and students about sexuality and gender, are intended to be “an instrument to help guide Catholic contributions to the debate. in progress on human sexuality ”.

The text generated rejection among groups defending the rights of LGTBQ people, considering it to be a “harmful tool” that will be used to “oppress and harm” not only transgender people, but also lesbians, gays and bisexuals. .


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