Transmitted live the rape he suffered in a bowling alley and the video will be the key to justice – 13/02/2019


Jasmine Eiland He had decided to go celebrate his 25th birthday at the Opera. She's from St. Louis, Illinois, but on January 19, she was in Atlanta to spend a different night. I imagined a fun outing, with friends and enjoying the recital of August Alsina, a singer from this city whose presentation had been announced in a renowned dance venue. But this perfect evening is over in A diffuse and painful nightmare that led her to want to commit suicide 4 days later.

Jasmine danced, celebrated and broadcast live with her mobile phone via her Facebook Live account. In the midst of the frenzy, the feast and the joy began to feel bad, lost, weak. From that moment, he was not aware of his actions and could not prevent what would happen later. In the middle of the track and surrounded by thousands of people, She was abused by a man who allegedly drugged her.

Jasmine Eiland was broadcast live while she was raped and the defendant is already in detention.

Jasmine Eiland was broadcast live while she was raped and the defendant is already in detention.

Clarin Bulletins

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up "src ="

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

According to Eiland's complaint, the suspect did not settle and took her to an outdoor bowling alley that was not open to the general public. he still badually attacked her. Everything was broadcast live on the social network. In the video, you can hear the voice of a stranger who is trying to calm the cries of Jasmine, who pray again and again to stop the suspect. The images have already been removed from Facebook.

A woman who saw the video of the girl live reported the incident to the police. But when the authorities arrived at the dance club, about an hour later, they could not find the girl.

"Something like that should not happen in a nightclub," said Eiland's lawyer Chris Stewart on Tuesday.

Last Monday, Jasmine filed a complaint with Opera Atlanta and its unidentified owners, security companies and security personnel, claiming that the club did not provide sufficient security.

"Something like that should not happen in a nightclub," Eiland's lawyer Chris Stewart said on Tuesday, adding that interviews with former employees and those present would have revealed to be: the club did not have enough security. "It's really a situation where they prefer earnings to protection," added the lawyer.

Jasmine Eiland attempted suicide four days after she was raped.

Jasmine Eiland attempted suicide four days after she was raped.

Eiland is seeking a jury trial and punitive damages, as evidenced by the complaint filed in Fulton County. According to the police report, she stated that someone has put drugs in his drink. His lawyer said that they were still waiting for the results of toxicology reviews, but the video of that night shows that his client he was "clearly in and out of consciousness".

Jasmine Eiland said that someone had put drugs in his drink that night at bowling.

Jasmine Eiland said that someone had put drugs in his drink that night at bowling.

When the images became viral, the comments, criticisms and testimonies questioning their history multiplied in the networks. Everything became so complex that a few days after what happened, Jasmine tried to commit suicide. The girl's lawyers said on January 31 that they had reason to believe that some people were paid for making false statements about the victim, which have been broadcast via social media accounts, blogs and podcasts.

"We are investigating these allegations and We will lay criminal charges and civil damages against the perpetrators"said the victim's lawyer.

Williams was arrested at the end of January.

Williams was arrested at the end of January.

Despite everything, Jasmine decided to go finance. On Tuesday, he appeared before the media at a press conference and presented the complaint and his evidence.

He decided to fight and bring to justice his rapist, the critics of the networks and the owners of bowling. Accompanied by her lawyer, she said she wanted to fight the intense criticisms online and the rumors he facedand give strength to other victims to speak. "I am a victim, but I am also a survivor … if I had not introduced my face, what would the next woman do to suffer in this way?"

A few days later, Opera Atlanta issued a statement stating that the club had provided the police with "whatever was requested".

A few days later, Opera Atlanta issued a statement stating that the club had provided the police with "whatever was requested".

At the same time, Opera Atlanta issued a statement a few days later stating that the club had provided the police with "whatever was requested" and that it would support his investigation in any way possible.

Dominique Williams, the rape accused Jasmine was arrested, accused of aggravated sodomy in the alleged attack and locked up in Fulton County Jail on January 29.

His lawyer, Shequel Ross, had previously told Rolling Out media that his client denies having badually badaulted Eiland.

Source: AP



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