“Traqueto”, “paraco”, “mounted on the Convivir”: Piedad Córdoba was sent against Álvaro Uribe


Former Senator Piedad Córdoba is about to officially enter the Historical Pact of Gustavo Petro, where he will once again seek to reach Congress via the closed list of this center-left alliance. In full political re-entry after being absent in recent years, he spoke of the former president, Álvaro Uribe and various episodes he experienced in his government.

In an interview with the Colombian comedian, Alejandro Riaño, in his role as Juanpis González, Córdoba was sent against Uribe, whom he called traqueto, a paramilitary, and held him responsible for creating the private security and surveillance cooperatives for agrarian defense best known as Live together.

The comedian asked the politician why she called the former president a mafia and paramilitary, to which she replied: “Traqueto, all his relationships have been with all these kinds of characters y en esa época que fue muy dura (…) un juez obliga al Estado colombiano a que me indemnice y me pida perdón porque la estructura de la campaña que organizó Uribe contra mí fue tan impresionante que yo cuando leí el fallo se me salieron the tears”.

She also commented that due to the fact that she had been an opponent of the Uribe government, she never wanted to be killed. But he continued in his sharp criticism of the former president. He told Juanpis that he knew the leader of the Antioquia Democratic Center and which he qualifies as paramilitary because it is he who set up the Convivir.

“It’s that in life we ​​don’t just say that there are facts. I denounced the Convivir before the Constitutional Court when they came out and I told the court it was a form of paramilitarism and from there paramilitarism will emerge. And the president at the time, who was Ernesto Samper, told me: stop fucking Uribe, ”Cordoba said.

Juanpis, with a burlesque tone, criticized Piedad Córdoba for the closeness she had with Uribe years ago since she was her government’s mediator on the issue of the release of FARC hostages.

“He was the President of the Republic, I could not do that without the President and I myself went to speak to him to tell him why he did not appoint Chavez as mediator, who was a person who guaranteed what ‘he asked to start the agreement that it was the release of all the kidnapped ”, he stressed.

She also referred to the lunch they had together in 2016. The former senator assured that there was nothing wrong with that as she went to ask that the former president be a mediator between the opposition. Venezuelan and the regime of Nicolás Maduro.

She said this meeting was held by Maduro’s request who asked him to speak with Uribe so that he would be the one who would mediate the political situation of the neighboring country.

“President Maduro called me and said: I want to ask you to do me a favor. It was for me to sit down with Uribe so that he could be the interlocutor between the opposition and to help him that he (Maduro) wanted to sit with the opposition “, revealed Cordoba.

At that lunch, the politician said, she sat down to speak with the former president and told him that he could not make history alone as a paramilitary leader.

“Your kids can’t go anywhere because they are insulted. You have to transcend, make the decision to be the opposition mediator with Maduro and that puts you in another scenario, in another profile and he will thank you very much, that was the conversation and nothing more, ”said the former senator at Juanpis González’s program.


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