Travel to Peru and Bolivia | Mini tower


The Todos Front candidate, Alberto Fernández, will undertake a mini-trip abroad during his visit to Bolivia and Peru this week, as it happened yesterday. For the moment, he will not travel to Mexico to meet President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, as announced. Due to the lack of compatibility in the diaries, the visit will probably be later. The agenda of the trip to Bolivia and Peru will be defined today. In principle, the candidate of Frente de Todos would go to La Paz tomorrow to meet President Evo Morales, also in the electoral campaign. The next day, he would continue to go to Peru to meet in Lima President Martín Vizcarra, who has shown for a week a position different from that of other right-wing leaders in the region. For example, with regard to the situation in Venezuela, Vizcarra was against a military intervention and in favor of dialogue, imitating the position of Uruguay and Mexico, identical to that already mentioned by Alberto Fernández. Interestingly, the anti-Maduro presidents are meeting in the so-called Lima group.


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