Travel to the remains of the Titanic will be possible from 2021


Travel to the remains of the Titanic will be possible from 2021

Salt corrosion and the action of bacteria subject the remains to rapid degradation / banding

Submerged 3,821 meters deep in the North Sea since 1912, the remains of the Titanic are part of a legend and until now only scientists and researchers had access to them. But things promise to change next year with the launch of an initiative undertaken by an American company: the start of underwater sightseeing tours to the site of the most famous shipwreck in history.

The news sparked reservations and there are already three dozen reservations to make the trip to the remains of the RMS Titanic from different countries around the world. Another demonstration that the story of the Titanic has not only inspired one of the highest grossing films in history, but continues to fascinate millions of people around the world.

Washington-based US company OceanGate Expeditions has dubbed the Titanic Survey Expedition initiative, which has already been given a start date: the middle of next year.

Company spokespersons consider that there is no time to waste: it is now or never, since salt corrosion, the action of currents and bacteria subject the vessel to rapid degradation.

Of course, being part of the expeditions will have its requirements: the main one, spending a large amount of money to access the trips.

Thus, the candidates will have to spend 125,000 dollars (more than 10 million Argentinian pesos) to participate in the adventure.

But that alone is not enough. They will also have to meet the requirement to meet “be in good physical and mental shape” for a trip that promises to be demanding.

The promoters of the expeditions provide further details: the trips will take place between May and September 2021. The first will leave in May from San Juan de Terranova, the capital of the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador, and will last a week .

During this first trip, we already know that around fifty people will be on board, including nine tourists and the other technicians from underwater operations and scientists, including biologists and archaeologists.

First, participants will spend three days of training before embarking on diving. This training will focus on security issues.

After this introduction, participants, starting on the fourth day and over three days, will participate in six to eight hour underwater inspection missions in the area where the remains of the famous liner are.

These forays will be carried out aboard the Titan, a five-person aerodynamic carbon fiber manned submarine designed by Boeing and NASA, where tourists will collaborate on technical studies of the wreck carried out by professionals.

The participants plan, among other tasks, to create a detailed 3D model of the wreckage and debris field of the liner, to supplement the work of other scientific and technical expeditions, and to document the condition of the wreck and flora and fauna through photographs and videos. the fauna of the area to be compared with other data collected previously.

This is not the first time OceanGate Expeditions have planned to reach the Titanic, although in the previous two attempts the expeditions were halted during preparation, due to technical issues.

However, on this occasion, the organizers of the company make sure that everything is ready for it to be a success.


People are expected to participate in each trip, although only nine of them will be tourists. The others, underwater operations technicians, biologists and archaeologists. The trips will take place between May and September 2021, depending on the company’s plans.


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