Travel with the best airline in the world and find a human tooth in your food


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Travel with the best airline in the world and find a human tooth in your food | MDZ online

plane food


A man traveling from New Zealand to Australia on Tuesday with Singapore Airlines discovered an extraterrestrial human tooth in the food served on board.

According to 7 News, Australian Bradley Button tasted his portion of rice when he felt a crunch and immediately spat out what he had in his mouth. The pbadenger states that "there is no doubt that it was a dent", but the air hostess who badisted her "insisted" that It was a small stone and tried to have it delivered. Another pbadenger endorsed Bradley's opinion and confirmed the story to the media.

Here is a stomach for you:
As Bradley Button approached the end of the rice in his Singapore Airlines meal, the situation was disgusting.
He spit what was in his mouth and it was there, a tooth that was not his.@AAPNewswire

– Kaitlyn offer (@KaitlynOffer) February 27, 2019

The traveler indicated that the airline had granted him a $ 55 coupon to use in future destinations. In addition, he confessed that he was not feeling well during the rest of the flight: "The idea of ​​having a part of another person 's body in my food was not good. is not nice ".

For its part, Singapore Airlines, considered the best airline in the world, apologized to Button and said it was "very disappointed" with what happened because it was He always expects his meals to "meet high standards". Similarly, the company has sent the alleged dental fragment to Melbourne for further badysis, after which actions will be determined.



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