Travelers consider Aerolíneas Argentinas the best airline in the region


The president of the airline group, Luis Malvido, received the Vice President of TripAdvisor, Jamie Counter and the director for the region Ryan Cornelius, who presented the award at an event organized at the company's offices.

Upon receipt of the prize, mischievous noted: "This award is an acknowledgment of the more than 12,000 employees who do their best every day to provide quality and efficient service, plus the fact that this is a distinction that stems from the opinions of our pbadengers. , which puts us at the level of the largest airlines. "" We are working for the whole company to focus on the customer "added the president of the airlines.

For its part, Jamie Counter commented: "On behalf of the travel advisor community, we would like to congratulate Aerolineas Argentinas, and we encourage you to celebrate the achievement of this award and to share it with all your customers".

This award was given as part of the company's new strategic plan, which covers the next five years and focuses on Customer Focus, for the integral improvement of its experience. In pursuit of this goal, highlights the level of punctuality of flights, which closed the year 2018 with an average of 87%, which represents a historic record. In the same vein, pbadengers' satisfaction level reached its historic high in August of last year, when it rose to 47% (or 50% of value representing excellence).

Finally, remember that Aerolineas Argentinas also received in 2018 the distinction of APEX, another important price based on the qualification of the users. It obtained 4 stars in the "Global Airlines" category, making it one of 23 airlines that obtained this rating out of a total of 500 companies badyzed.

Founded in 2002, Trip Advisor's Traveler & # 39; s Choice Awards are a benchmark in the digital community of millions of travelers from around the world. Through an individual voting process, each user values ​​all aspects of the travel experience: customer service, on-board service, fleet comfort and entertainment offer, among others.


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