Treasury begins payment deferred from Letes, Lecaps and Lecer


For the moment, the portfolio led by Hernán Lacunza plans to pay this Friday 15% of the maturity of Lecap for $ 169.95 of the WNV, remaining for November 30 to pay another $ 320.92, or 25%; and the remaining 60%, approximately $ 871.43, on February 29.

The same is expected for a series of Lecer, with payments of $ 150 this Friday, $ 250 to three months and $ 600 to six months. At the same time, dollar bills will receive payments of $ 150 this Friday, $ 250 in November and $ 600 in February.


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Finance Minister Hernán Lacunza.

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Finance Minister Hernán Lacunza.

Photo: Telam

Minister Lacunza on Wednesday rescheduled the payments of these domestic debt in this financial period marked by the volatility of the foreign exchange market, the decline in the price of shares of Argentine companies, the risk of collapse of sovereign bonds.

At the moment, the Standard & Poors rating agency has placed the Argentine short and long term debt in a situation of "selective default". Just 15 days ago, S & P lowered the rating from one notch to another, from "B" to "-B".

While at the same time, Fitch reduced it in two steps from "B" to "CCC", a category indicating the default possibilities.


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