Tribute, chicanas in Trump and the Russian quarrel | Chronic


At 75 years of D-Day, world leaders paid tribute to veterans and people who died in Normandy. The president of the United States, Donald Trump, and French, British and Canadian leaders met Thursday in northern France to pay tribute to the fighters and veterans of the largest invasion of history by sea, paving the way for the liberation of Europe from the Nazis .

Of course, in the middle, the differences in international politics sparked off sparks. Among the concerns of US allies about their nationalist rhetoric, Trump was charged with highlighting the ties that unite these two countries. "unbreakable", in a speech under a clear blue sky in the city of Colleville-sur-Mer.

"The president has received rave reviews from the British media – here at home, not so much – MSNBC is reinforcing hate coverage and promoting conspiracy theories during Trump's trip to Europe." @seanhannity The good news is that @maddow is dying in the ratings, with @CNN!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
June 6, 2019

"To all our friends and badociates: our precious covenant was forged at the heart of the battle, put to the test of the difficulties of war and demonstrated blessings of peace." Our link is indestructible"But in an indirect message hinting at Trump's slogans "United States first"and"Make the United States big again" Emmanuel Macron He added: "The United States is never as big as when it is fighting for the freedom of others."

His speech was full of other exhortations addressed to his North American couple to return to the path of multilateralism. "The victory against barbarism would have been impossible without the United States, and it was achieved thanks to the fact that the armed forces were unitedMacron said at nearly 10,000 graves of soldiers in this cemetery, located just a few meters from Omaha Beach, one of the landing beaches and one of the lowest allies of the # 39; history.

I am really sorry to learn the terrible accident involving our GREAT West Point cadets. We mourn the loss of life and pray for the wounded. God bless them all!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
June 6, 2019

The landing of Normandy took place on June 6, 1944, after months of preparation and secrecy for Nazi Germany, despite a huge mobilization on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. For the end of what became known as "the longest day"Some 156,000 Allied soldiers and about 20,000 armored vehicles had landed in Nazi-occupied northern France despite the number of bullets, artillery fire and air strikes.

Today, we remember those who have fallen and we honor all those who fought here in Normandy. They have reconquered this land for civilization. To more than 170 World War II veterans who join us today: You are one of the greatest Americans ever to live! # DDay75thAnniversary

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
June 6, 2019

The night before, thousands of Allied paratroopers had jumped behind the German defenses on the coast. As the British prepare to leave the European Union, Macron pointed out that some links between France and the United Kingdom were indestructible. "Nothing will ever end with the bonds of bloodshed and shared values." The debates of the present do not take anything away from the past ", he stressed.

Today, we remember those who have fallen and we honor all those who fought here in Normandy. They have reconquered this land for civilization. To more than 170 World War II veterans who join us today: You are one of the greatest Americans ever to live! # DDay75thAnniversary

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
June 6, 2019

For his part, the Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, paid tribute to the soldiers of his country. "More than 5,000 Canadians have fallen on the battlefields of Normandy, seventy-five years later, we remember the magnitude of their sacrifice.", said Juno, one of the landing beaches.


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