Tribute to Julio Córtazar and "Rayuela" at the Language Congress


A commemorative edition of Julio Cortázar's "Rayuela" will be presented on Thursday, March 28 at the Teatro Real in the city of Córdoba, where the VIII International Congress of the Spanish Language will be held.

The edition includes, for the first time since 1983, a facsimile reproduction of the "Cuaderno de bitácora" and incorporates additional texts by Gabriel García Márquez, Adolfo Bioy Casares, Carlos Fuentes, Mario Vargas Llosa, Sergio Ramírez, Julio Ortega, Andrés Amorós, Eduardo Romano and Graciela Montaldo.

The Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), the Association of Spanish Language Academies (ASALE), the Academia Argentina de Letras (AAL) and the Alfaguara Publishing House wish to pay tribute to the One of the most important Spanish writers of all time and his most iconic work, reported the Penguin Random House label.

There will also be a tribute to the film


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