Trichinosis south of Cordoba: 500 kilos of meat and pork sausages are seized


Agrovoz Writing

The Cordoba Regional Center of the National Agricultural Health and Quality Service (SENASA) reported the confiscation of approximately 500 kilos of half-carcbades and pork products as part of the investigation into the causes of the epidemic. The provincial government acknowledged Wednesday that there were 45 cases in Cbads, seven in Pueblo Italiano, four in Río Cuarto and two in Cintra, neighbors who consumed mostly sausages. and the sausages that contained the parasite that causes this disease.

The operation was carried out jointly by the staff of Senasa Córdoba, from the epidemiology area of ​​the Ministry of Health of the Province, the Directorate of Control and Control of the Ministry of Health. ;Agriculture. and Bromatology and Health of the Municipality of Cbads.


"The products will be denatured in a facility authorized by the Service," Senasa said.

In addition, he said that the corresponding investigation was underway to detect the origin of the pigs used for the elaboration. In this context, they have recommended to citizens, particularly in this area, that they have recently consumed pork or pork products and have symptoms such as fever, abdominal or muscular pain (especially breathing or breathing). chewing), cramps, diarrhea, palpitations, vomiting, burning eyelids or itching, skin irritation, headache or blurred vision, go to the nearest health center promptly. [(19659009] var _fbq = window._fbq || (window._fbq = []);
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