Tropical storm Enrique tracks Baja California Sur: this will be the path of the cyclone on Tuesday


Effects of Hurricane Enrique in Manzanillo, Colima, Sunday June 27 (Video: México webcams)

Enrique demoted to tropical storm and continues to advance across the Pacific Ocean towards the Baja California Peninsula.

As reported by the National Meteorological Service (SMN), the center of the cyclone was located early this Tuesday, June 29. off San Blas, Nayarit, and approximately 275 kilometers east-southeast of Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur.

In the next few hours, Enrique will move parallel to the coasts of Mexico, and his broad bands of cloud will extend over the western part of the Republic causing heavy rain in the following states:

* Baja California Sur, Sinaloa and Durango: heavy rains, from 75 to 150 millimeters.

* Sonora and Nayarit: very heavy rains, from 50 to 75 mm.

In addition, the large circulation of the tropical storm will also modify the maritime conditions. According to the climate body, gusts of wind could reach 90 km / h on the coasts of Jalisco and Nayarit; while in Sonora, Chihuahua, Sinaloa, as well as in the peninsula and the Gulf of Baja California, they will be of the order of 60 to 70 km / h.

At the same time, high waves are expected, up to four meters high, in Baja California Sur and Sinaloa, and one to three meters in Nayarit and Jalisco.

Effects of Hurricane Enrique in Manzanillo, Colima (Video: México webcams)

For the expected effects on earth, the National Civil Protection System issued the following notices:

* Yellow alert or moderate danger as the cyclone approaches: southern Baja California Sur.

* Green alert or low danger due to approaching cyclone: ​​central Baja California Sur; south-central and southern Sinaloa.

* Green alert or low danger of the passage of the cyclone: ​​south, west, east, center and north of Nayarit; northeast of Jalisco.

* Blue alert o minimal danger due to approaching cyclone: ​​northern Baja California Sur; north, north-central and central Sinaloa; west and south of Durango.

* Blue alert or minimal danger due to a moving cyclone: ​​south-east, center and north of Jalisco.

Currently, Enrique is recording maximum sustained winds of 85 kilometers per hour, with more intense gusts of 100 kilometers per hour. It advances northwest, approaching the Baja California peninsula.

The devastation of Hurricane Enrique by Lázaro Cárdenas, Michoacán (Video: México webcams)
Updated trajectory of Tropical Storm Enrique (Photo: SMN / Conagua Clima)
Updated trajectory of Tropical Storm Enrique (Photo: SMN / Conagua Clima)

Will it make landfall?

If Tropical Storm Enrique maintains its course and course, could make landfall in Baja California Sur between the night of Tuesday 29 and the early morning of Wednesday 30 June, according to the forecast trajectory that the SMN has traced.

The impact would likely occur somewhere in the southeast of the state. From the climate agency, they decreed a surveillance zone from Cabo San Lucas to Los Barriles because of the effects that the system can generate when approaching the coasts.

According to Jesús Montes Ortíz, head of surface water and river engineering at the National Water Commission (Conagua), in Baja California Sur, the level of the Los Pocitos, San José and El Zacatal, San Pablo streams , El Salto is being watched. and Salto Seco, as well as La Huerta. Regarding the dams, the capacity of La Buena Mujer, La Higuerilla, La Palma, Santa Inés and Ihuagil is monitored.

This monitoring work is also carried out in Sinaloa, where the behavior of the Culiacán, San Lorenzo, Elota, El Quelite and Presidio rivers is observed; as well as the following dams: Aurelio Benassini Vizcaíno, Juan Guerrero Alcocer, Comedero, Sanalona, ​​Eustaquio Buelna and Adolfo López Mateo.

On the other hand, in Nayarit, the Acaponeta, San Pedro, Santiago and Ameca canal and the filling of the Derivadora San Rafael, El Cajón and Aguamilpa dams are monitored.

The population of the states affected by Enrique’s passage are invited to keep themselves informed of updates to the national civil protection system.


The shocking images left by Hurricane Enrique in Colima, Michoacán and Jalisco
Hurricane Enrique: The cyclone’s relentless passage through Michoacán caused a section of the Siglo XXI highway to collapse

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