Tropical Storm Grace is advancing in the Atlantic: this will be its trajectory


(Photo: RAMMB / GOES-16)
(Photo: RAMMB / GOES-16)

The National Meteorological Service (SMN) follows the evolution of the Tropical Tormenta Grace, which in the coming days will cross the Caribbean Sea and get closer and closer to Mexico.

According to the climate agency, the center of the cyclone is located this Sunday, August 15, very far from the country, 2,620 kilometers from the coast of Quintana Roo and 275 kilometers from the Virgin Islands.

Although its current position does not represent a risk for the national territory, the system It is moving in a west-northwest direction at high speed, approaching the mainland.

If the current planned trajectory is respected, Grace will strike the Dominican Republic this Sunday and cross Haiti. One day later, it will pass very close to the north of Cuba, it could even make landfall on the island. Thereafter, it will go to the waters of the Gulf of Mexico and from there it will continue its journey across the sea towards the southeastern United States.

However, these forecasts could change and the storm could approach Mexico more than expected. For this reason, the population of the East is encouraged to keep abreast of updates made by state civil protection agencies.

(Photo: EFE / Orlando Barría / File)
(Photo: EFE / Orlando Barría / File)

Evolution of Grace

This Sunday, Grace recorded maximum sustained winds of 65 kilometers per hour, with stronger gusts already reaching 85 km / h.

The SMN estimates that the cyclone will remain a tropical storm at least until Thursday August 19; that is to say, it will not become a hurricane.

According to current calculations, on this day the storm will be 510 kilometers northeast of Cabo Catoche, Quintana Roo. Then, its large cloud bands could spread over the national territory and cause certain effects on the national territory, such as rains and high waves.

Grace is the seventh system named which forms in the Atlantic during the tropical cyclone season 2021, following storms Ana, Bill, Claudette, Danny and Fred, and Hurricane Elsa.

In the last days instability in this ocean has increased. Fred was recently formed, which this Sunday will further strengthen and evolve into a tropical storm before impacting the southeast of the United States. In addition, an area of ​​low pressure was detected east of Bermuda, far from the Mexican coast.

(Photo: SMN / Conagua Clima)
(Photo: SMN / Conagua Clima)

Hurricane season 2021 in the Atlantic Ocean

The Atlantic hurricane season began on June 1, and the following systems are expected, according to the SMN forecast:

* Tropical storms: between 8 and 11.

* Strong hurricanes (categories 1 and 2): 4 to 5.

* Intense hurricanes (categories 3, 4 or 5): from 3 to 4.

Total: between 15 and 20 tropical cyclones.

The figure is higher than the average recorded between 1991 and 2020 for this region, of 14 systems. However, we are a long way from the 30 cyclones reported last year.

Names for the Atlantic: Ana, Bill, Claudette, Danny, Elsa, Fred, Grace, Henru, Ida, Julian, Kate, Larry, Mindi, Nicolas, Odette, Peter, Rose, Sam, Teresa, Victor, Wanda.


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