Truce between Israelis and Palestinians after two days of hell


Israeli Prime Minister and Defense Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned that the military campaign in the Gaza Strip was not over, but a brittle truce restored calm for both Palestinians and Israelis after two days of fighting. extreme violence in Gaza. those who killed 27 Palestinians and four Israelis. Palestinian group Hamas and its allies opened fire on Saturday morning, launching rocket rescue operations on southern Israel. The Jewish nation fought back with aerial attacks, and exchanges continued only towards the first hours of the day. Palestinians launched nearly 700 rockets and Israelis attacked about 350 targets in the Gaza Strip.

"For the past two days, we have been hitting Hamas and Islamic Jihad with overwhelming force, attacking over 350 targets, their leaders and terrorists, and destroying buildings," Netanyahu said. The truce was managed by Egypt, which negotiates with the envoys of Hamas and Israel.

The Israeli army announced yesterday the lifting of restrictions on the protection of civilians in border areas, shortly after a truce with Hamas mediated by Egypt, in addition to Qatar and the UN. The agreement has not been officially confirmed by the parties. For Hamas, it was a real relief, the Muslim Ramadan having started yesterday, and spending the holy month under the bombs was not politically viable for the extremist group, already very compromised by its low popularity among the Palestinian population.

The toll of Palestinians killed during the two days of Israeli bombing was raised to 27, after the discovery of two bodies under the rubble of a building, told the press the spokesman of the local Ministry of Health , Ashraf al Qidra. It was not reported how many there were civilians and how many militiamen. At least one Hamas commander was killed by a missile fired from a drone on his car.

Palestinian sources in Gaza announced last night that the ceasefire had come into effect at 4:30 pm local time, and that there had been no more rockets since that time. The Israeli Defense Forces announced that early in the morning they attacked 30 military targets of Hamas and Islamic Jihad, including rocket launching platforms, a military operations center, defense warehouses and Arms and training centers.

The former Israeli chief of staff and today's MP Benny Gantz criticized the ceasefire and said it implied "a new surrender to the blackmail of Hamas and terrorist organizations" and expressed hope that "if the violence resumes being severe." In the area affected by the Palestinian aggression, the Israelis were not satisfied with the truce granted by the Netanyahu government. The newspaper Yediot Ahronot wrote in its online edition that "residents feel ignored, they feel that the Eurovision (the festival) has set the agenda and that the government has accepted a truce because they did not want the rockets to rain during the Independence Day holidays ". Eurovision is due to be held in Israel this week and the Palestinian offensive was clearly aimed at harming it. The agreement restored general calm after the barrage of nearly 700 rockets from Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

Hamas demanded that, for this new truce, the conditions established after the last wave of violence at the end of March be implemented, including the improvement of the conditions of the Gaza Strip, the extension of the zone of fishing on the coasts of the enclave and the authorization of Israel the monthly entry of money sent by Qatar and various goods and humanitarian aid.


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