Truckers set the vehicle on fire for 35 referrals


According to local media reports, the attack was recorded in the morning, just after a mandatory conciliation dictated by the provincial government, which was approved by the national. The burnt vehicle belongs to the company Transporte Gabino Correa, which provides services to the oil company Vista Oil, former CEO of YPF, Miguel Gallucio

"We have spent 40 days of lies and lies.There are 35 colleagues with a telegram of dismissal at home and without tax peso, we will stop in all areas until Correa join the workers, "warned Rubén Belich, Secretary General of the Union of Truckers Rio Negro

. conflict between the workers and the carrier took more than a month, when it was announced that the Gallucio company, which acquired the Petrolera Entre Lomas, made a request for withdrawal of services to different companies, which to his dismissed the affected staff. these tasks. For this decision, Truckers makes Vista Oil responsible for the situation

In this context, the Secretariat of Labor of Río Negro, led by Lucas Picca and the Ministry of Labor of the Nation of Jorge Triaca, published in early June the Compulsory Conciliation in the conflict and opened a dialogue table. During the negotiations, the private oil and gas union of Río Negro, Neuquén and La Pampa would have reached an agreement, but not the drivers. In this context, the gremialistas of Moyanist resumed the protests with total virulence.

Even Belich admitted that after the burning of the first trailer the workers were about to set another on fire. "This is unsustainable, we are doing all we can to avoid that, but we are in a situation of limitations," he said, according to the newspaper Río Negro

"It's the beginning of the day. endless war, solutions and we continue to waste time in insignificant meetings, now they come for layoffs in Uocra and tankers, "warned local radio" Alas "Belich, who is also the head of the CGT.

Sources of the company Vista Oil They badured that they had no connection with the dismissed workers and repudiated the acts of violence. "We were surprised by the level of violence that was generated," said an authorized spokesperson.

Gustavo Sol, union delegate, said that there was communication with the company. the dismissal can collect their badets. "The company is putting on wear and tear, that's why we do not accept the mandatory conciliation, we already know how it ends," he said defiantly. "For now, the trucks of the company Transporte Gabino Correa have stopped, but from Wednesday, no truck will enter or leave the deposits" (Explored by Vista Oil), said Sol. Later, in dialogue with radio LU14, he badured that 300 are rejected. "There is a policy of adjustment against workers and non-work service companies and there are already more than 300 workers with dismissal telegrams at home," he said.

to unblock the conflict, but the irrational combustion of the vehicle surprised his family and others.

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