True support for the "reforms" of macrisme | My …


The loas and the pompas always ready, the president Mauricio Macri received in the House of the governments Felipe VI and Leticia, king and queen of Spain, on an official visit to Buenos Aires. In his welcome speech, Macri told them that his government was "making the changes" that "you made many years ago and the results are in sight". "We are very aware of the economic situation and we support all the ongoing reforms," ​​said King Felipe. He added that his country was willing to "support Argentina as we have always done in difficult times".

Macri made this comparison with Spain although the Iberian economy fell from the 8th to the 14th place in the European Union, with a worrying rate of 14.1% unemployment, more than the political instability that took away his friend, the conservative Mariano Rajoy, replaced by the socialist Pedro Sánchez.

"We are in the process of making profound, costly and time-consuming transformations," said Macri, for whom the result of similar policies is that "in Spain the population has evolved towards a better quality of life. life". "We do the same thing, we aspire to that," he concluded. The president's praise was echoed by Felipe's signal of support, although he described the situation as "difficult".

He said that he was excited to make his first state visit to the country as king. "Spain has not made a state visit for many years, just imagine what it means for me and the Queen to come today for the first time as a kings of Spain.This is undoubtedly a great emotion.We are united by so many things to Spain and Argentina that it is exciting to find that during a visit of State, "said Felipe. The king recalled that Argentina is the country where more Spaniards live outside their own territory and said that with this trip, he intended to "reinforce" the bilateral relations that he described as "strategic".

Before his arrival at Government House, the royal wedding was inscribed in the monument to the Liberator General San Martin, Retiro district, reminiscent of the hero who made Argentina independent of Spain. Then, escorted by the regiment of mounted grenadiers, they reached the esplanade of Casa Rosada where they were received by Macri and his wife Juliana Awada.

They moved to the clean room, where the official photo was taken, and then held a meeting at the presidential office. Then, the king and queen went to the Olivos residence to share a private lunch with the president and his wife. At night, at 8 pm, the day ended with an honor meal offered by Macri to the royal couple in the gallery of the CCK Shield Hall, with about 400 guests. Felipe has expressed his interest in the progress of the very bad Free Trade Agreement between Mercosur and the European Union, as well as for the strengthening of the Ibero-American Community of Nations. In his message to dinner, the king called on Argentina and Spain to "project themselves jointly in the international sphere for the benefit of both".


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