Trump accompanied a massive party protest from his vehicle


President Donald Trump delighted supporters gathered near the White House on Saturday as he slowly drove his trailer past hundreds of them in downtown Washington on their way to his golf club in Virginia.

A week after the US press declared Democrat Joe Biden’s presidential triumph, thousands of Trump supporters gathered in the nation’s capital to protest what they see as electoral vote theft, such as he supports it. the president himself.

The crowd cheered as Trump’s limo approached and people lined the street on both sides. Some pulled up a few yards from Trump’s vehicle and others showed their enthusiasm as they ran alongside the trailer.

They chanted slogans like “America, America” ​​and “four years older”. Many carried American flags and posters to show their dissatisfaction with the vote count. After slowly passing through Washington’s Freedom Plaza, where rallies in support of Trump began, the trailer headed for the President’s Golf Club.

Trump supporters heavily promoted his “MAGA Million March” on social media, alluding to Trump’s slogan “Let’s make America great again” or “Let’s make America great again” (MAGA for its L The call raised concerns that there could be clashes with protesters who oppose Trump and who have been gathering for weeks near the White House in the so-called Black Lives Matter Plaza.

To avoid clashes between demonstrators, police closed large areas of the city center, where many shops and offices have been closed since election day. The director of the city’s Security and Emergency Management Agency, Chris Rodríguez, said the police had experience in peacekeeping.

“Violence will not be tolerated,” the official said.

The issues raised by Trump’s campaign team and his supporters are typical of every election: issues with signatures, secret envelopes and postmarks on mail-in ballots, as well as the possibility of a small number of ballots. lost or incorrectly issued.

Given Biden’s large advantage over Trump in key race states, none of these issues would impact the final election result, according to the AP agency.


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