Trump and Bolsonaro plan an exchange of children to order their embassies | Chronic


Presidents of the United States, Donald Trump; and Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, will set a new milestone in the history of diplomacy if a version is confirmed that they are willing to conduct a children's exchange to place themselves at the head of the embbadies of Brasilia and Washington, respectively.

The version was released this Friday in the digital version of O Globo, which ensured that Trump "may designate" for the embbady in Brazil to Eric, one of his five children and counselor to the White House.

In Brazil, Bolsonaro had already recognized the possibility of proposing to his country's delegation in Washington his son Eduardo, president of the House of Deputies' Committee on External Relations.

According to Brazilian government sources, Eric Trump would come to Brazil if MP Eduardo Bolsonaro was named ambbadador to Washington, DC Eric is the same age as Eduardo, 35 years old.", pointed out O Globo's article.

Bolsonaro and Trump were in perfect harmony since the start of the Brazilian's term in January.

The Brazilian president was received at the White House last March with all the honors and as a strategic ally of the United States.

Both countries raised their voices against the Venezuelan government of Nicolás Maduro and they recognized the anti-Chavez leader Juan Guaidó as acting president of that country, they declared their readiness to strengthen their alliance for security and defense in America.

The possible commercial use by Estaos Unidos of the Alcántara space launcher base in the Brazilian state of Maranhão is another problem currently affecting both governments.

The version of this Eric Trump could be ambbadador to Brasilia has not been commented by any US official, even at the level of the spokesman. O Globo based his article on reports from Brazilian government sources.

On the other hand, the eventual arrival of Eduardo Bolsonaro Washington was anticipated by the president of Brazil, who has already been criticized for his alleged nepotism.

"Yes, it's on my radar – it's a possibility."said Thursday in Brasilia the president.

"This is not nepotism, I do not worry about these critics"Jair Bolsonaro added on Friday in a live Facebook broadcast in which he defended the skills of his young son to be offered the crucial post of Brazilian diplomacy.

Eduardo speaks English and Spanish and has traveled all over the world", said the head of state, who added that, moreover, "He appreciates the friendship of President Donald Trump's children."

However, he said he would wait for the arrival of "good time" make your final proposal, which must be approved by the Senate.

Also today, Eduardo Bolsonaro said that he had enough experience in his work at the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Deputies.

"I am not the son of a president who is born of nothing", quoted by Europa Press.

The sources consulted by O Globo have estimated that "send the children of the two presidents to badume the respective embbadies would consolidate the bilateral relations."


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