Trump and Bolsonaro want to exchange children as ambassadors


Edoardo Bolsonaro and Eric Trump Source: archive

RIO DE JANEIRO.- The unusual possibility that one of the president's sons

Jair Bolsonaro

MP Eduardo Bolsonaro to be appointed ambbadador

United States

caused a stir not only in


, but also in Washington, where, according to the Brazilian press,

Donald Trump

I would also consider sending one of his sons, Eric, as diplomatic representative to Brasilia, with the aim of strengthening the alignment between the two countries.

"Some people say that it is nepotism, but the Supreme Court will have to decide, it is not nepotism, I would never do it," said the Brazilian president, who defended the program of his son, head of the commission of the external relations. of the Chamber of Deputies. "When he travels all over the world, he speaks English fluently, speaks Spanish, has already been to several countries in Europe, met Donald Trump's family, has the freedom and friendship with his children, "He's not an adventurer and has just got married," a point.

The president revealed his intention to name his third son – nicknamed "03" – the day before yesterday, a day after Eduardo was 35, the minimum age for the post of ambbadador. Lawyer of formation and exescribano of the federal police, young Bolsonaro is representative of the legislator by San Pablo from 2015 and was reeluished last year with 1.8 million votes, the most voted of the year. history of Brazil.

"It is difficult to talk about oneself, but I am not the son of someone who has managed to gain access to this position.I am President.I am Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee and I am experiences around the world, "he said. Eduardo Bolsonaro, for his part, supports his eventual diplomatic appointment, which should in any case be confirmed by the Congress. "I've already done an exchange, I've fried hamburgers in the United States, in the cold of Maine, border with Canada, in the cold of Colorado, I've perfected my English." , he explained.

The possibility that Eduardo Bolsonaro finds himself at the head of the Brazilian embbady in Washington – vacant for three months – has sown confusion in the corridors of Itamaraty Palace, where it is considered that the post should be filled by a career diplomat, as is the tradition and, furthermore, it was noted that he should resign from his mandate because the Constitution only allows heads of temporary diplomatic missions not to lose their elective office.

"This is an unprecedented step in our diplomatic tradition and in the diplomatic history of civilized and democratic countries",
He told the Estado newspaper of S. Paulo Rubens Ricupero, Brazil's former ambbadador to Washington between 1991 and 1993, for whom the appointment of a relative with diplomatic functions is typical of absolute monarchies. "It also characterizes populist leaders like Trump, who trust only their own family," he added.

In this sense, according to the Rio de Janeiro newspaper
O Globo, anonymous sources of the Brazilian government pointed out that, if Bolsonaro appointed his son as ambbadador to Washington, Trump would consider appointing one of his sons, Eric – also 35 years old and currently in charge of family businesses – in as a US Diplomate representative in Brasilia. "According to sources involved in this case, sending the children of the two presidents to the respective embbadies would consolidate bilateral relations",
wrote O Globo.

Although behind the scenes, Foreign Minister Ernesto Araújo complained about Eduardo's role in the President's international travels – at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland; in the United States, Israel and Argentina-, yesterday supported the final decision.
"It would be the appointment of someone committed to the foreign policy lines of the president and mine," he said in an interview with BBC Brazil.

However, President Bolsonaro himself emphasized that being represented in the United States by his son would be a personal benefit. "We had already thought about it, we took into account the costs and benefits, as well as the way this would be considered in this country." I did not stop thinking: imagine if we had in Brazil the son of [Mauricio] Macri as ambbadador of Argentina. Obviously, his treatment would be different from that of another ambbadador; normal, "he told reporters.



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