Trump and Kim Jong-Un, again face to face | Chronic


The president of the United States, Donald Trumpand his North Korean counterpart Kim Jong-unwill hold a second historic summit in Vietnam on Wednesday in search of concrete measures to dismantle Pyongyang's nuclear program and improve their relations.

The leaders will meet for two days in Hanoi, a dinner on Wednesday, and Thursday after the historic summit held in Singapore last June, which produced only a vague declaration on the denuclearization of North Korea.

Ten hours after Kim's arrival in Hanoi, Trump arrived at the last minute at Air Force One and headed to the hotel where he will stay.

Just arrived in Vietnam. Thank you to everyone for the great reception in Hanoi. Huge crowds, and so much love!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
February 26, 2019

Trump did not make any statements to reporters traveling on his plane, but he had previously tweeted that he was hoping for a meeting. "very productiveand reiterated that North Korea could become an economic power if it renounced its nuclear weapons.

Kim, meanwhile, arrived in Vietnam by train from China and was greeted at the Dong Dang border station by a military guard.

According to rumors, the main day of the summit will be held Thursday at the Sofitel Metropole, a luxurious French colonial style hotel located in the old quarter of the Vietnamese capital, near the hotel where Kim resides, a reported the EFE news agency.


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