Trump and Macri have agreed on ‘fixed gear’ mode, united by the same pain


The same day and with little time difference, Donald Trump and Mauricio Macri showed up in “fixed gear” mode. Just over a hundred days after Joe Biden’s inauguration and the violent attack on Capitol Hill by violent Trumpists, Trump reappeared and exposed his grief without consolation: the electoral defeat he suffered.

Hours after learning that a Facebook forum had ratified the restriction imposed by Mark Zuckerberg’s company Trump, he wrote in a statement that “his freedom of speech was being violated.”. He also targeted Google because this company is a disgrace to the United States.

But this battle is not over yet. Facebook has six months to justify its position. The one that was settled and whose outcome not accepted Trump, is that Biden won the election. Therefore, Trump put on “fixed gear mode” and reiterated his – false claims – that there had been voter fraud in the November 2020 presidential election.

“If Minority Leader (Senator) Mitch McConnell had fought to expose all the corruption that was going on at the time, if more had been found since then, we would have had a very different presidential outcome.”Trump said in that same statement. And supported in this position, he urged his supporters to “never give up.”

Trump remains banned on Facebook and Instagram. In six months, we’ll see if that changes.
In Miami, Macri spoke in a forum in front of personalities of the Latin American right.

Perhaps because of Trump’s insistence on questioning the legitimacy of Joe Biden’s government, in his recent speech for his 100 days of government spoke of internal danger. “We are not going to ignore what our intelligence agency has determined to be the deadliest terrorist threat in the United States today: white supremacist terrorism. (…) The images of a violent crowd attacking this Capitol, desecrating our democracy are something that remains alive in our minds. (…) The insurgency was a test to see if our democracy could survive, and it did. But the fight is far from over. “

Face-to-face and in the United States, Mauricio Macri has also returned to “fixed gear mode”. His oral manifestation because of the pain of defeat, having had unusual financial support, is to put the word “populism” in his mouth. And he added the self-proclamation of being “him and his family politically persecuted.”

In Miami, at the forum for “Defense of Democracy in the Americas”, Macri also repeated questions on the management of quarantine, the purchase of vaccines, “threatened freedom” and such expressions. In the auditorium, politicians, presidents and former leaders, and even an Argentinian editor-in-chief lined up with the right-wing who organized the forum and also with the former president himself.

Biden's Congress Speech
If Trump insists on fraud, it is no coincidence that Biden speaks of “white supremacy” as internal danger.
Senator McConnell has come under criticism from Trump for not investigating and that is why he lost.

Thus, in “fixed gear” mode, the same day and with the pain of electoral defeat in tow, Trump reiterated that a fraud had kept him away from the government; and Macri, that populism is “a bigger threat than the coronavirus”. By the way, in Argentina there are 26,238 cases of coronavirus and since the start of the pandemic there have already been more than 65 thousand deaths. And the last recorded was 663 deaths in one day. An assessment of the “danger” that the coronavirus still represents.

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